
June 3, 2020

Notes by Arjun Patel


The main focus of today’s class was regrets. Regret is when you look back on your action(s) and wish you did something different. We have regrets about a lot of things. To overcome regret, you have to prioritize and know what is important.


There was a farmer and a goose that were best friends and had a great relationship. One morning, the farmer goes out to see the goose and finds a golden egg. Every day, the goose lays one golden egg and the farmer becomes rich. Eventually, he becomes impatient and wants all of the eggs at once. He cuts open the goose and finds nothing but an ordinary goose. Theme: He focused on the eggs instead of the goose and now he has regret for killing it. To learn how to prioritize we have to focus on what is the most important. You have to ask the question: Does this help me grow? The things that help you grow are the most important.


There are 3 questions to ask yourself to help guide your day.

  1. While brushing your teeth: Where am I going? This helps you focus on what you want to get done during the day.
  2. When you are tired: Am I happy? You have to ask this because if you are happy you know that you have accomplished the things you set out to do. If you are unhappy, you have to change some things to make sure you get things done.
  3. When you are with family: How can I be better? This will make you think about the next day and what you could change so you can have better quality in your work and work more efficiently.

Our RAW was to make a schedule every day in the morning so we know what work we have to do and what time we are doing it.


Notes by Sanna Luthra


-meaning of regret, something you know is wrong but you still do it

-prioritize is the key to make regret go away

-when prioritize, do what is more important first

-how to prioritize, ask yourself questions, does it develop virtue?, which one helps me grow the most (when deciding between 2 things)?

-point of The Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs story: farmer placed the important thing wrongly/importance shifted

-his virtue of friendship to the goose led to just the eggs

-caused regret for farmer

Practice for the week: Plan your day with the timings.

Poster explanation:

-While brushing your teeth, ask yourself, Where am I going?

-When tired, ask yourself, Am I happy?

-When with family, ask yourself, How can I be better?

-Poster of questions will guide your way to being an amazing person!

Overview/goal for next ten weeks:

-minimize unhappiness

-maximize happiness

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