
June 3, 2020

Notes by Megha Munipalla

Value: Prioritization

Story: Goose that laid Golden Eggs

Once upon a time, there was a farmer who had a pet goose. The farmer loved the goose very much, but the farmer was not making enough money. The goose loved the farmer very much, so he laid a golden egg. The farmer was delighted and sold the eggs at the market. Everyday the goose would lay a golden egg for the farmer. As this went on the farmer and goose grew further apart. Eventually the farmer grew paranoid that someone was going to steal the goose, so he locked the goose in a cage. As time went on the farmer got greedy and wanted more golden egg. He then decided to cut the goose open to see if there were more eggs, but to his disappointment he did not find any eggs. Then he realized what he had done to his once dear friend and regretted it deeply forever.

Moral of the story: put value in the things that reinforce your value.

R.A.W: When you wake up plan your day (think of the most important thing you are going to do today and then plan when you are going to do it)


Notes by Shakthi Ananthanarayanan

# We are learning about how we can be happy always — All the time

# Talked about negative emotions — not so good emotions — Regret

# How I not feel that negative emotion — Regret — what should I have worked on or done better so I do not feel regret again

# Regret means wishing I had did something different — Ex Wishing I had not spoken bad words to my friends

# Talked about virtue that is friendliness

# To have something to work on we need to have — Prioritization — means knowing what is important –

# How do we know what’s important ? Here comes the story –

Farmer had goose and they were great friends — His farm was rundown and he had more repairs he could not complete it yet — The goose was so happy with the farmer and one day the farmer saw a golden egg under the goose — He wondered why and how — he sold the egg and got money and next day he got another golden egg and again he took it to the shop and bought the needed items and he did this every single day. Slowly over time the farmer was looking for the golden eggs — he got scared that the goose would leave or somebody would steal the eggs so he decided to put the goose in a big cage locked.

Eventually the farmer wanted so many golden eggs so he thought the best way would be to kill the goose and take many golden eggs. So he killed the goose and saw there were no golden eggs then he felt so much regret — asking why did I do that — happy with what I was getting — so he was feeling/regretting what he did.

This story tells us 2 things

# when we put importance on wrong things — we get that feeling of REGRET

# Farmer had put importance on golden eggs and not on the relationship with the goose. Right thing — he should have put importance on Goose first.

Point of the story — prioritize the things that help us develop virtue

#Focus on the virtue

# Prioritize the virtue

So we will not feel REGRET


# Prioritization

# Write the most important thing you want to do today and also the time when you are going to do it.

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