Practices to Perfection RAWs 2022/2023

Hari Om! Below is a list of all RAWs for the 2022-2023 Practices to Perfection class. Share your reflections below.

RAW for May 18, 2023
Reference daily

RAW for May 11, 2023
Tell joke

RAW for May 4, 2023
1. Learn past
2. Renounce meaninglessness

RAW for April 27, 2023
1. Leave light (Leave others feeling lighter)
2. Record dream

RAW for April 13, 2023
Talk God

RAW for March 30, 2023
1. Flip coin (for less important decisions)
2. Give percentages toward resources, time, effort

RAW for March 23, 2023
1. Remember change
2. Say “No”

RAW for March 16, 2023
Remember ‘All is well’

RAW for March 9, 2023
Dissect negativity

RAW for March 2, 2023
1. Ignore snacks
2. Surf agenda (only use the internet for a specific purpose)

RAW for Feb 9, 2023
3. Naturalize meals

RAW for Feb 23, 2023
1. Eat the same meal for lunch everyday

RAW for Feb 16, 2023
Prostrate openly

RAW for Feb 9, 2023
1. Return dedication
2. Help bodies

RAW for Feb 2, 2023
1. Label less

RAW for Jan 26, 2023
1. Eat (enjoy alone time) alone, preferably lunch
2. Ask the wise when you have doubts

RAW for Jan 19, 2023
1. Walk (alone) freely (without music, without talking)
2. Sit still (for at least 5 minutes everyday and slowly increase duration)

RAM for Dec 15, 2022
1. Every time you are behind a Dodge Ram, see RAM.
2. Write notes and organize these practices. Find one that hits you “hard.”

RAW for Week of Dec 1, 2022
Visualize Guide – visualize your Guide is always with you
Write Aum on every page you can

RAW for Week of Nov 17, 2022
Sleep early – which allows you to wake early and inquire better.
Study Happiness – which allows you to follow one who is Happiness.

RAW for Week of Nov 10, 2022
Allow speak – allow others to speak to cultivate patience.

RAW for Week of Nov 3, 2022
Sleep altar – wherever you sleep, establish an altar. Take a photograph of the altar where you sleep.

RAW for Week of Oct 27, 2022
Prepare for the experience of satsang.

RAW for Week of Oct 20, 2022
Review quietude at night and identify the quietest parts of your day.
Smile every time you look in a mirror.

RAW for Week of Oct 13, 2022
Review your disturbances every day at noon.

RAW for Week of Oct 6, 2022
Speak positively.

RAW for Week of Sept 29, 2022
Chant samarpayami.
Guide gratitude.

RAW for Week of Sept 22, 2022
Delete ‘but’ – do not think, speak, or act it.

RAW for Week of Sept 15, 2022
Read Inspiring

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Reflection: Study Happiness.
Recently, I’ve been re-visiting the Prince Arjuna’s Questions book. Living the Gita and PAQ were my first introduction to Seeking (two years ago). One of the questions that has been relevant to me recently is when Prince Arjuna asks: “What is grief?” Shri Krishna’s response (BG 2.11): grief is forgetting one’s true nature. Death is a part of life, yet many times we feel we are immune to it! Four years ago, someone very dear to me became seriously ill. To me, it seemed that my life had turned upside down. I remember those early days, the tear-soaked pillows, the gut-wrenching feeling in the pit of my stomach, the fervent prayers: Dear God, please heal her, please work a miracle. But over time, the illness became a part of life; most of the time, I forgot it was there…that is how good she was at practicing prasada buddhi (choiceless cheer)!
When I started college, I morphed into a Searcher, chasing after the temporary – fascinated by transactional success. I suffered for it; it became difficult to cope with grief, and I placed utility in the external world to distract myself – perhaps an ABC could fix my problems – or so I thought. I still prayed, but these prayers were fast, not concentrated enough, not contemplative enough. I was young, naive, ignorant. When I had spun down the void of samsara enough, the Lord worked a miracle. He opened my eyes, and a set of divine interventions placed me on the path of Seeking. Training, training, training – I loved soaking up the Living the Gita class, and then starting BG in Meaningful Mornings.
Srimad Bhagavat Gita is truly my Mother – through Meaningful Mornings, She has watched over me these past two years – through the ups and downs. Training, training, training – and then a test. But I failed, and the Blessed Lord had to work a miracle once more. Finally, it took God’s hand to make me a full-time Seeker. Yet, it is now time for another test: Grief is forgetting one’s true nature; Peace is following our svadharma. The clock is ticking, 30 days is what the doctors are giving. I will be honest, the tear-soaked pillows, the fervent prayers, pleading to Him to work a miracle – they happen. But at the same time, my prayers shifted – they are more concentrated now, and I feel a simultaneous sense of peace – I know that her choiceless cheer, likhita japa, faith in God will blossom into Chapter 8’s verse, where Shri Krishna states that if one thinks of Him in the moment of death, then they will attain Him. I pray to the Lord that this is what happens.
Happiness is working hard, to not slack, to follow the path of shreyas (long-term vision), to be a full-time Seeker. We cannot rest until we reach the ends, we must be vigilant, we must be strong, we must practice prasada buddhi and arpana buddhi. And then, the Blessed Lord will work a miracle once more – we just have to open our eyes to see it. Gratitude to God-Gita-Guru, and praying to Shri Krishna for strength to navigate through what is to come.

Ananya, thank you for sharing your transformative path. Your openness is so much appreciated and it is through this honesty that i have found the most growth happens. Prayers for your and your loved ones’ strength and peace

Thank YOU, Ritaji! It is through the encouragement and inspiration from fellow Seekers in this CommUnity that I am more motivated to further my Seeking 🙂

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