Practice 40: parabrahmatmana sthiyatam

May 18, 2023 Class Notes by Abhiram Bhashyam

Debrief of Test

Question 11: Why do you care for whom you care?

–        Identification. The implication is to identify with all.

Question 12: What is our practice related to the pancha rnas (5 debts we all have)?

–        Return dedication

Question 13: What are the 4 factors that facilitate learning?

–        Guide, Your own effort, Community, Time

Question 14: What is the theme of verse 4?

–        How one should orient their lifestyle

Question 15: If you appreciate sthane, you will be engaged in the 28th practice

–        Dissect negativity

Question 16: To inhibit addiction to articles and attachment to being, the minimum percentage of resources to charity and time to community is what?

–        10% of your age to charity and 5% of your age to community on a monthly and weekly basis

Question 17: If you date mind, you will grow out of ___ and into ___.

–        Grow out of Loneliness and into Aloneness (Oneness)

Question 18: What makes some believe in God and others not?

–        Punya (your own effort) and Kripa (the multiverse’s effort)

Question 19: Acharya Shankara is an ideal synthesis of what?

–        Karma, Bhakti, and Jnana

Question 20: Death is like a ___.

–        Graduation

This test is exponentially more indicative of who you are than other tests you take. The point here is not whether you did well or not, but the act of taking the test is important.


How to build compassion?

Higher perspective: everyone’s evolution is facilitated by Bhagavan. Judging others is like judging Bhagavan.

Lower perspective: Make it your goal (sankalpa) to grow out of whatever you are judging them for. Helping others becomes a Sattvic challenge – both become better for it.

Last week’s RAW was tell jokes. Share your jokes:

What is an old snowman called? – Puddle

What did the fish say when it hit a wall? – Dam

RAM: Our next class will be on September 14. Our RAM until then will be to register for our Living the Gita course – an independent self-study course starting June 1.


In our culture, a leader must avoid seven addictions/vices/wrongs:

1. Sthriya – lust

2. Aksha – gambling, including betting/lottery

3. Mrigaya – hunting – where animals are part of your diet/comfort

4. Panna – that which makes you intoxicated (alcohol/drugs)

5. Vakparushya – being wicked with your words because you can’t take that back

6. Dandaparushya – wicked actions (retaliation)

7. Arthadooshana – mismanagement of resources (being selfish), including natural resources

What we have been doing for 32 weeks is engaging in practices that are preventative – preventing us from succumbing to these 7 wrong actions or addictions. For example, if you sleep altar, the propensity to give into lust is less. These practices are preventative and proactive – e.g. dissect negativity, give percentages. All of these are ways for us to be more independent. These ancient practices or frameworks are still relevant today.

Once a mandir had closed and the doors were locked – at that time the floor and the icon started to talk to each other. The floor said to the icon “we are both made of marble yet all day people walk and spit on me, but to you they offer tears, flowers and prayers – this is unfair – what makes you different from me?” The icon shared “when our Creator pulled us from the Earth, we were the same, but I allowed the Creator to break, chisel and shape and that’s why people worship me and walk on you.” Sadhana Panchakam is the chisel that can shape us and take us to a place of worship. The choice is ours.


Verse 5 Practice 39: prarabdham tviha bhujyatam

This practice really relates to being a jeevan mukta – one who is enlightened while their body is living because of these prints that have begun comprehensively. When you become internally content, your context does not matter. For the person who has a quiet mind, every day is a good day. For the person with a loud day, every day is a bad day. If you are content, no matter the circumstances, still you will smile. For this reason, “tell joke” – laughter is an instant vacation.

Verse 5 Practice 40: parabrahmatmana sthiyatam

Translation: You are the greatest (GOAT), be established in this.


The focus of this practice is Videha mukta – the one who is enlightened when the body is not alive. For one who is free, the body is like their clothing.


For the one who applies themselves to the Veda, they will feel brahma. The Veda covers dharma and brahma (how to be peaceful).  Follow the Veda, and you will be peaceful


Reference daily. Every day, you must reference Sadhana Panchakam. Go from n/a to n/o – not applicable to not optional. If you make these practices optional, you may be prosperous but not peaceful.

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