Power Hour RAWs – 2021-22

Hari Om! Every week, we’ll be updating this post with the Reflection Adventure of the Week. We encourage you to reflect + respond in the comments below.

RAW for Week 19 (02/14/22): Count how many people you talk to face-to-face and observe how you interact with different people.

RAW for Week 18 (02/07/22):When you are engaged in any task, don’t look at any time-keeping devices!

RAW for Week 17 (01/31/22): Sleep on the floor with just a pillow, sheet and blanket.

RAW for Week 16 (01/24/22): Each morning, look in the mirror for 5 minutes and reflect on the purpose of the reflection you see.

RAW for Week 15 (01/17/22): Write the word “virtue” every hour.

RAW for Week 14 (01/10/22): Think about the content we reviewed. Which topic has resonated with you the most, and why?

RAW for Week 13 (12/20/21): Escape Room day!

RAW for Week 12 (12/13/21): Chant the first and last verse of Bhagavad Gita every day. (First verse of Chapter 1 and last verse of Chapter 18).

RAW for Week 11 (12/6/21): At the end of each day and your responsibilities, pretend that you only have your non-dominant hand.

RAW for Week 10 (11/23/21): Which ant philosophy will you practice?

RAW for Week 9 (11/15/21): If you’re really ready to practice cheerful acceptance, keep taking cold showers!!

RAW for Week 8 (11/8/21): Taking freezing cold showers every day.

RAW for Week 7 (11/1/21): Wear a rubber band on your wrist; whenever you feel yourself lose focus, pull the band back and let it snap onto your wrist.

RAW for Week 6 (10/25/21): Wear the same clothes to school two days in a row.

RAW for Week 5 (10/18/21): Identify a virtue for yourself to develop. Think on why you want to develop this virtue and how you will develop this virtue.

RAW for Week 4 (10/11/21): Think on something you’ve wanted badly and eventually received. Dissect that experience using the framework of priya, moda, pramoda. How much do you value that object now?

RAW for Week 3 (10/4/21): First, tell a joke to at least two people every day. Second, write down… What is Happiness?

RAW for Week 2 (9/27/21): Each day, write down 5 things you did that day and label them as Dharmic or Adharmic. 

RAW for Week 1 (9/13/21): We are about to spend 30+ hours together. What do you want from these 30+ hours? How do you hope to achieve what you want?

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