Hari Om! Every week, we’ll be updating this post with the Reflection Adventure of the Week. We encourage you to reflect + respond in the comments below.
- RAW for Week 30 (5/5/21):Consider the plan you made for your identified goal. Check your email for the prompt for this week’s RAW — the one word, one tagline. And email to Sumanji…. ‘Cause it’s related to a surprise. 🙂
- RAW for Week 29 (4/28/21): Every time you shower, immerse yourself in the coldest water for at least 15 seconds… at the END of your shower.
- RAW for Week 28 (4/21/21): Each morning, spend 5 minutes looking at your plan (from Activity) in terms of the three R’s (Refine, Remember, and Realize)
- RAW for Week 27 (4/19/21): Keep a tally of every time you avoid a responsibility and write down why.
- RAW for Week 26 (4/7/21): Each day, pick a part of a room and organize it.
- RAW for Week 25 (3/31/21): Each day before bed, write down 3 things you’re grateful for. When you wake up in the morning, start by reading these — start by embracing your day contented.
- RAW for Week 24 (3/24/21): Dialogue with Sumanji – Write down whatever you have been struggling with the most in the past month, 6 months, your whole life. Not just a word, tell me why is it your struggle? what are you holding on to? Can you let it go? Be as real and detailed as possible.
- RAW for Week 23 (3/17/21): Each morning, write down one virtue that you would like to develop. Try to keep that ideal in your mind at all times throughout the day.
- RAW for Week 22 (3/10/21): Reflect on one personality who believe in you the most. Meet them or call them in the same day to share how grateful you are for them. If they are no longer living, write a detailed letter of your gratitude for that person.
- RAW for Week 21 (3/3/21): Attend Why Do We…? Knowledge Series with Vivekji
- RAW for Week 20 (2/24/21): At the end of the day, reflect and list 2 decisions that you could have made differently (for the better!).
- RAW for Week 19 (2/17/21): At least 1/3 of each meal that you eat should consist of raw foods
- RAW for Week 18 (2/10/21): Take up the responsibility/chore you dislike the most at home for the next week. Invoke the energizing attitude you identified during our activity to generate, conserve and channel your energy.
- RAW for Week 17 (2/3/21): Every time you find yourself judging you or another, – make a tally. For each judgement – pay someone a compliment that isn’t based on appearances
- RAW for Week 16 (1/27/21): Bake some cookies this week, or some sort of treat that you think is delicious! Here’s the catch — once you’ve made them, don’t eat any… Leave them for others. While you are working to make these treats, knowing you won’t get to eat them, what sort of thoughts do you observe in yourself? What is the caliber of your effort? When they are done and you are giving them away, what is your mental state like?
- RAW for Week 15 (1/20/21): Lead a task in your house for the next week, for example: getting and sorting the mail; overseeing recycling; planning for a family meal each day. Observe the effect taking lead has on you AND your family members.
- RAW for Week 14 (1/13/21): Class with Shankarji
- RAW for Week 13 (12/15/20): Games
- RAW for Week 12 (12/9/20): Eat — at least one meal alone. EAT — Enjoy Alone Time
- RAW (12/2/20): Happiness Series IV
- RAW for Week 11 (11/25/20): Every morning, think about one major mistake and one minor mistake that you have made. Openly share these mistakes with someone you respect greatly.
- RAW for Week 10 (11/18/20): Refrain from looking at yourself in the mirror.
- RAW for Week 9 (11/11/20): Review our Class notes from the past 8 weeks and today, summarize our content in 500 words for your own clarity. Reflect: How has our content begun to make you think differently?
- RAW for Week 8 (11/4/20): Before complaining, stop and mentally do a cost-benefit analysis for the complaint that you are about to make.
- RAW for Week 7 (10/28/20): Record which emotion (anger, disgust, fear, joy, jealousy, sadness, greed, etc.) dominated you today.
- RAW for Week 6 (10/21/20): Navratri-Durga Puja
- RAW for Week 5 (10/14/20): Write down one act of service that you performed and why you did that particular act.
- RAW for Week 4 (10/7/20): Do not leave any of your own dishes in the sink.
- RAW for Week 3 (9/30/20): Pick an activity (taking a shower, washing the dishes, doing your homework, going for a walk) and do that thing alone, nothing else!
- RAW for Week 2 (9/23/20): Sit down and practice keeping your body still for 15 minutes.
- RAW for Week 1 (9/16/20): Don’t look at or use any screen for more than 20 minutes a day, unless it is for work
Hari Om!