Parvathy’s Request

Summary of last session (February 3, 2024) by Shri Mayank Patel

Shri Vijayji started explaining the importance of moksha purusartha, that if not practiced then the life is wasted as per Sanatana Darshan. Though there is no order of practicing four purusarths, practicing dharma should be priority over kama and artha as it keeps you on the right path while the later two can trap you.

Doha-107, ch-3prabhu je muni paramarathabadi, kahahi rama kahu brahma anadi.sesa sarada beda purana, sakala karahi raghupati guna gana.3.
He then explained how line 1 & 2 above of Do-107/Ch-3, refer to purusarthas for moksha and dharma then he revised doha-108 & 109 and continued further.109-1:  Overwhelmed by love, the saints do not withhold truth (the specialised knowledge) from those qualified seekers who serve without ego in thought, word and deed.109-2: Ma Parvati sincerely and from bottom of her heart requests Shivji to be gracious enough to narrate the story of Lord Raghus. Then further asks to explain that what makes nirgun brahman sagun.

109-3: Knowing Shivji’s love for balswaroop Rama, she asks him, O Lord, relate the story of Sri Rama’s descent and tell me about his charming childhood. Then tell me how Rama wedded Janaka’s daughter, Sita, and for which fault he had to renounce the kingdom later on. One is still ignorant till seeing fault in the Lord (One is ignorant till sees fault in the Lord)

109-4: O Lord, describe the innumerable deeds he performed while he lived in the forest and further tell me how he killed Ravana. Then relate, O blissful (Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram) Sankara, all his actions after his coronation.

Do-110: Thereafter relate, O gracious Lord, the miracle by Rama, how that Jewel of Raghu’s line proceeded to his divine abode along with all his subjects.

110-1: O Lord, explain the truth in the realization of which enlightened sages remain absorbed. Further discuss in detail the conceptions of Devotion, Jnana (Knowledge of the formless Absolute), Vijnana (bhakti, gyan and vairagya together) or the Knowledge of qualified Divinity with and without form, and Dispassion.

110-2: O my gracious Lord of purest understanding, reveal to me many other mysteries connected with Rama and also tell me all which I have omitted to ask.

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