Week 7:Overcoming Sorrow


Notes by Abhir Naik and Sanna Luthra

How do we overcome the projection of sorrow?

  • When we project sorrow, we subconsciously tell ourselves that the joy and sorrow we experience is OUTSIDE of us
    • Not something we can control 

This is what we want to overcome. 

Sri Krishna’s response – the only way to overcome this struggle is through knowledge.

Knowledge as to how Sri Krishna refers it- if we want to be able to overcome strong dislikes/attachments, then what we have to do is see how those attachments bring us sorrow rather than joy

Strategies to overcome dislike of doing things we don’t like

  1. Sorrow from not doing what we should be doing but dislike is greater than the sorrow we will experience from doing it
  2. Things are not as bad as we make them out to be

Only way to overcome bad habits is to get into a routine 

Counteract bad habits with good habits

How to develop good habits??

  • Strategy which relies on willpower alone is a losing strategy, won’t last 
  • If serious about making positive changes, only real way to do it is by making physical changes to our environment which make it as easy as possible to engage in good habits AND as hard as possible to engage in bad habits
    • Don’t make drastic and sudden changes which are unrealistic to stick to

Sign of maturity – being able to think long term


Prince Arjuna: How can I fight if it brings me sorrow? How can I continue doing this unsatisfactory action? 


We procrastinate on doing our dislikes (e.g. homework) because of the assumption of grief.

  • Prediction it won’t be an enjoyable activity, and therefore, do not start task (because of dislike)
  • Subconscious: Joy & sorrow experienced based on external & uncontrollable circumstances 
  • Project these feelings without experiencing it 
  • Aware of negative side effects yet still continuing to do it 
  • personal pleasure is stronger than common knowledge

Example: For me, I have to play the piano for at least 30 minutes per day, but because of my dislike for piano, I don’t follow this routine. My personal pleasure (not playing the piano) is stronger than my common knowledge (knowing I have to play 30 minutes a day). 

Bhagwan Krishna’s response:

→ shift focus to consequences if task not completed

→ starting task is difficult part

→ once started, not as difficult to complete

→ “Things aren’t as bad as they seem” 

→ overcome attachment by visualizing how dislikes trigger sorrow

Why is it hard?

→ overcoming attachments difficult because habit developed over long period of time

→ depriving from addiction is challenging (as we know)

→ takes long to practice new & improved habits and replace old ones

→ involves careful & committed reflection


→ start new routine involving introduction of new good habits

→ requires willingness to commit to positive change

→ be sure to make physical changes 

→ develop & practice atomic habits

→ intentional and intelligent with making these careful decisions 

→ break into small chunks (go through process step by step)

→ small steps gradually lead to larger goal (easier to accomplish)

→ create strategic & realistic plan


 We spent 15 minutes completing a task which we have been procrastinating on. This is to practice the concept of overcoming these grudges and assumptions; to start is the key challenge which this practice helped conquer.

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