By: CM Niagara

All offerings to the 2021 Elevate HERstory Fund supported the Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development (CORD) Sidhbari, an extraordinary non-profit centered in Himachal Pradesh, India.
For over twenty years, CORD, the secular service wing of Chinmaya Mission, has been helping rural communities create programs and adopt practices for holistic welfare, facilitating participatory, integrated, and sustainable development for underprivileged communities in over 700 villages and remote areas across India.
In particular, the Mahila Mandals are the nuclei of all CORD’s work. They are the hub from which all program components of CORD have evolved. The objective of a Mahila Mandal is to empower women financially, socially, and politically, while simultaneously enhancing their decision-making capacity. The work in this sphere ranges from microfinance self-help groups and literacy workshops to livelihood courses and public health training.
We’re grateful for your contributions to this vision!
How to Donate
- CREDIT: Visit the CORD USA donation page. Scroll down and click “Donate” under “CORD Sidhbari.”
This is the ONLY way your donation will be allocated SPECIFICALLY for CORD Sidhbari.

- CHECK: Donate via the instructions on the CORD USA website, specifying CORD Sidhbari on the memo.
- EXPLORE whether your workplace offers corporate matching for donations
Tax ID – 27-0540459
(866) 580-5508