October 2023: Green Electricity


Article 19: ‘Green’ing Electricity


Nitin Chopra, Seeker, Environmentalist

Greenhouse gases trap heat and make the planet warmer. Human activities are responsible for almost all of the increase in greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere over the last 150 years. The largest source of greenhouse gas emissions from human activities in the United States is burning fossil fuels for electricity, heat, and transportation.

Total U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Economic Sector in 2021, source EPA

In addition, wealthier families have a substantially larger carbon footprint. Transportation and housing are the two biggest contributors to the total domestic carbon footprint, accounting for 29.8% and 33.6%, respectively. In 2022, 4,243 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity were generated, of which 60% came from fossil fuels. You can check how your region compares to the national average by entering your zip code here. One kWh of electricity production releases about 0.855 pounds of CO2 Crucially, our electricity consumption is only going to increase as the adoption of electric vehicles grows.

(Solution Alert):

So what can we do?  Fortunately, we have more than one option

  1. Green Power: Very minimal effort, high return, and relatively inexpensive 
  2. Go Solar: Great for the 🌎, needs some planning, and a diversified investment alternative
  3. Become a Prosumer: Solar + Green Power

In our upcoming workshop, we will focus on Green Power options and collaborate on:

  • My family’s story from Green Electricity to Solar to being a proud Prosumer
  • Composition of your electric bill and the potential cost of switching to green electricity
  • What are your choices by state?
    • Consumer-choice state
    • For regulated state residents
  • Walk-through of a couple of real-life examples

What you need to bring is:

  1. Your Electricity Bill
  2. Enthusiasm and desire to act either during or after the session 🙂

Action to Implement

Post your reflections & observations in the comments section below ⬇️

🌱 October 2023: 💻 Access your latest electricity bill and keep it handy for Oct 22nd!

Intro. to our October Workshop

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