No Pain, No Gain

APRIL 3 2024

Notes by Naami Deo


We learned about a  taxi driver who drove a Grandma to Hospice and in the end he thought about what would happen if the taxi driver she got was bad mean and rude.


There was a girl who went to her grandma’s house and her grandma was making poori and one just came out and she was super tempted to grab and eat it so after a few seconds  she grabbed it and screamed it was super hot it kinda burned her  hands. At night in her prayer she complained to God about giving her a burn. Next day she went to the market with her grandmother and saw a man begging for money with no hands. Her grandma gave him some money. Later she asked her grandma what happened and how the begger lost his hands. Her grandma told her that the man had a disease because of which when he got sick, he did not feel any pain and disease got much worse so he had to lose his hands. That night Maya prayed for the man to get better and she also thanked God for teaching her that pain is a part of life. 


You should be Thankful and content for what you have and not looking at what you don’t have instead of what you already have.

Reflection Adventure of the Week 

Eat at least everything that’s on your plate for one of your meals every day.


Notes by Savitha Somnath Buono


Cab Driver and Old Woman story. The old RAW was to take five breaths any time you feel overwhelmed.


There was a girl named Maya. In the summer she would go to her grandmother’s. One day she woke up to her grandmother yelling, “Maya! Come for breakfast!”  She ran to the kitchen and saw puris on the plate. She grabbed one to eat but it was hot and it burned her hand. She cried and Grandma poured cold water on her hands. Maya was mad because she couldn’t do anything all day and spent the rest of the day moping. At night, Grandma asked Maya “Have you said your bedtime prayer?” 

Maya prayed “Thank you Bhagvan for everything. But I’m upset at your for letting my hand burn.” 

The next day, Maya felt better. Later Grandma came to take her to temple. On the way, they saw a beggar and Grandma gave her money. The beggar had bandaged hands and was missing fingers. Maya felt bad and asked Grandma “What happened to that person’s hands?”

Grandma said “He has a disease where he can’t feel his fingers or toes. It’s good when you feel pain because it is a message from your body to pay attention.

Later that night at bedtime, Maya said her prayers “Thank you Bhagvan for this day. I hope the beggar is ok and goes to the hospital. I’m glad I can feel pain.”


Be grateful for everything, even pain!


Every night, whatever food is for dinner, you have to finish it without complaining.

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