Niyama — Being Devoted

February 19, 2020

Notes by Ambika Mishra


We reviewed all the values done in past 33 classes-

1. Jita- to be virtuous

2. Anagha- to be pure

3. Akama — to be content

4. Achala — to be steady

5. Akinchana — to be simple

6. Shuchi — to be organized

7. Sukhdhama — to be cheerful

8. Amitabodha — to be wise

9. Aneeha — to be independent

10. Mitabhogi — to be light

11. Satyasara — to be truthful

12. Kavi — to be reflective

13. Kovid — to be clear

14. Yogi — to be better

15. Saavadhana — to be vigilant

16. Maanada — to be appreciative

17. Madaheena — to be focused

18. Dheera — to be deep

19. Dharmik — to be responsible

20. Rahita — to be tough

21. Vigata — to be confident

22. Priya — to be loving

23. Paraguna — to be encouraging

24. Sama — to be balanced

25. Sheetala — to be pleasant

26. Neeti — to be righteous

27. Sarala — to be natural

28. Preeti — to be accepting

29. Japa — to be honest

30. Tapa — to be strong

31. Vrata — to be determined

32. Dama — to be controlled

33. Yama — to be open (minded)

Value of this week –

Niyama — to be devoted.


Vivekji shared a story of a wonderful asharam, guru and students. One day a very beautiful girl came to the ashrama. All the students were staring at how beautiful she was. She went straight to the guru and asked if she could be a student in the ashrama. The guru thought for a second, looked around and replied no. The girl was hurt by the answer and asked the reason of rejection. Guru responded by saying that it was not the girl but her beauty which was distracting to all the other students. The girl understood the point and left. A week later the girl came back and this time as she went straight to the guru, no one looked at her. She asked again to be a student and the guru smiled and said yes. In that week, she had cut her hair in an awkward way and let her nails grow and wore ragged clothes. She did all of this because she was devoted to learn from the guru.

Little Prince –

In the chapter where the Little Prince meets the king, he thinks everyone is his subject even if they don’t even know who he is. Sometimes, we are like this when we feel as if everyone should like us and listen to us.

Lesson from the story –

1. Reflect on — Would I do that? To look funny to study with a certain teacher or a certain subject? What is really permanent- beauty or knowledge?

2. If we are devoted to what we do, we will be willing to do anything for that.

3. We have so much energy/ potential and if it is not directed to a higher cause all of this energy and enthusiasm will fall.

Practice –

Vivekji shared with us a quote from Tao of Pooh, a book that the Senior class students are reading. A devoted person sits like a turtle, walks like a pigeon and sleeps like a dog. We acted these animals out. We did this practice to remind us to be devoted and be comfortable and cheerful.


Notes by Keshav Ganesh


One day, at an ashram, where so many students learn, a very beautiful girl walked in. Everyone looked and got very distracted. She walked to the Guru and asked if she could study there, the guru said no. After a month, she came back, this time nobody looked at her. Nobody got distracted. Again she asked the guru if she could study there. This time, the guru said yes.

Lesson from the story –

You have so much energy. Enthusiasm will direct it higher. It is kind of like a rocket ship. There is the body. Then there is the fuel. If it does not have enough fuel, it will fall back down.


Q; which animal sits the best? A; a turtle

Q; which animal walks the most focusly. A; a pigeon

Q; which animal sleeps the best. A; dog


Plan the best birthday party for someone who’s birthday is on Friday.

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