Niti- Being Righteous

November 13, 2019

Notes by Dhruva Shreejay


When we go to a zoo, we accept animals as they are (e.g. we don’t wish the gorilla was a giraffe!). We start to be more at ease when we accept others just as they are. A person who is at ease is pleasant, which was the value that we studied last week.


Our story was about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. One day, Charlie and his friends, Violet, Verruca, Mike, and Augustus were going to the Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory for a tour. When they were there, the people who worked at the Willy Wonky Chocolate Factory said that they couldn’t touch or eat anything they were not supposed to on the tour.

While they were walking, Augustus saw a chocolate river and even though the people who worked at the Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory told him he couldn’t eat or touch anything, Augustus started drinking the chocolate river and fell inside so he was out of the tour.

Verruca loved to eat gum. When she saw a place where they gave gum that never lost its taste and was supposed to taste very good. Despite the people that worked at the Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory saying that you couldn’t eat or touch anything, Verruca went over started taking some gum to chew. The moment she started chewing, she turned into a blueberry and she had to be taken away.

Violet loved chocolate and nuts and when she saw a place that gave the best nuts to make chocolate, she walked over to it to take some ignoring the directions the people who worked at the Willy Wonky Chocolate Factory said. When she started to take some nuts, the people who worked at the Willy Wonky Chocolate Factory had to take her out of the place.

Mike loved to play video games and see television and when he saw a place that had some technology, he went over to it to start using it. Once he went inside, he disappeared.

Now the only person left was Charlie who had been the only person following the rules. Since Charlie had been the only person who was following the instructions and directions, Willy Wonka gave him the Chocolate Factory.

Message of Story

1. The story of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory highlights the value that we explored this week — Niti â€” to be RIGHTEOUS.

2. Vivekji shared the law of the jungle with us — Might is right, or The big fish eat the little fish, or Only the strong survive. This law applies only to animals, not to human beings. The law of society applies to human beings, which is Right is might.

3. When you follow the rules and do the right thing, your mind becomes quiet, you smile more, feel happier, feel less scared and more courageous.


Our practice was to take your notebook and pencil, go to a mirror and draw your best self portrait of yourself.

This practice showed us that the most right feeling comes from inside you, which shows in how we look to ourselves and others. When you feel happy, you probably did something right and when you feel frustrated or angry, you probably did something wrong.


Notes by Sahana Iyengar

Charlie and the Chocolate factory Summary-

There were five Willy Wonka chocolate bars and there were five golden tickets hidden in one sort of candy bar. The five kids Who got one was Augustus Gloop, Violet Bielvugard, Veruca Salt, Mike TV, and Charlie. The rule in the chocolate factory was that they were not supposed to touch anything you were not supposed to touch.

Augustus, saw the chocolate river and the next thing you know, he was romping towards the river and started drinking all the melted chocolate. But, he fell in the tour, and so since he broke the rule, he was out of the tour.

Violet, on the other hand, saw The Never Ending Gobstopper. She was a big gum chewer so she started eating and devouring it right away. But she turned into a blueberry so she was also disqualified from the tour.

Next up, was Veruca. They went into a room, where squirrels were seeing if nuts were good or bad. She really wanted one as a pet so she went inside the cage and tried to get a squirrel, but she then was disqualified.

The next one to get sabotaged was Mike. They went into a room where they transported chocolate to another place. Mike really wanted to try it out and when he did he disappeared.

The only one remaining was Charlie, so Willy Wonka gave the chocolate factory to him.

So, when you follow the rules, your mind becomes quiet and so you smile more. The more you smile the happier you become. HAPPINESS IS A REMEDY!!!

For our practice, we drew a portrait of our self.

Hari Om!

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