Narada Bhakti Sutra, Sutras 77, 78, 79and 80

Week 29, Class 27, April 30 2024

Class Notes by Bhargavi

Bhagavan Rama, when asked, who Bhagavan is, answers, Bhagavan is one who is Independent. And therefore, Bhagavan is the one who is dependable. Bhakti is dependence on the Independent and having Bhakti makes one, Independent.

The sutras we are studying are potent, they are the concentrated offerings of Bhagavatam, Ramayana. With the continued study of the texts so far, Vivekji noted that He hoped we are experiencing Alambana vibhaga (revere, to feel like this is our Lord), our only support has become Bhagavan.


Sutra 73: Rishi Narada is sharing that Bhaktas who follow through with Bhakti, are Bhagavan himself. They are not different from him. For such Bhaktas, there is only Bhagavan, there is no Bhakti, no Bhakta. This is their experience. The latter part of Narada Bhakti Sutra is less theoretical and more personal. Their experiences come from Bhagavan, is in Bhagavan and will end in Bhagavan.

Sutra 74: Rishi Narada is teaching about vāda, to discuss. In philosophy, vāda means tuning into what is right and not who is right. By focusing on what is right, you forget about yourself.  Rishi Narada is telling us to practice this by focusing on the what and not get distracted by the who.

Sutra 75: When one engages with others with wrong intentions, then one can get lost in studying and comparing and arguing about maps. Many have defined Sanatana Dharma not as an “-ism” but as a way of life. Rishi Narada is teaching us not to be scholarly about Bhakti, but to practice Bhakti. We should always learn the teachings from someone who practices it. It is a subjective science and as we practice, matters will become clearer.

Sutra 76: Rishi Narada is commencing his commencement. He is now shifting into the valedictory address. These are his final teachings. In this he shares, shastras on Bhakti should be repeated until one is released. Unless you are released from sorrow, anxiety, stress, etc, you have to go through these sutras over and over again, not tuning into Samskritam, acronyms, etc but rather to practice this.

This class:

Sutra 77:

Sukha-duhkhecchā-lābhādi-tyakte kale pratiksyamāne ksanārdham api vyartham na neyam

We have to let go of the delusion that there will be a right time when there will be only good space and no bad space. We should not waste even half a moment waiting for the right time/perfect context to arrive.

We are all very time-based people. We think that we should start something good, when the time is auspicious. However, the right time to start following right actions, etc is NOW. Those who wait, are tamasic. Those who arrange for things to be conducive, are rajasic.

Sutra 78:

Ahimsā-satya-sauca-dayāstikyādi-cāritryāni paripālniyāni

After having told us to practice Bhakti now, Rishi Narada is sharing what does it mean to practice is being shared in this verse. Bhagavan is the Sadhya (ends) and sadhana (means). Bhagavan is one with all virtues in all ways. He shares that all the virtues of Bhagavan (non-injury, truthfulness, cleanliness, compassion and faith in the Lord) should be cultivated. We will focus on one of these qualities, faith. We know we have faith, when we don’t ask, “why me?” we have the conviction that Bhagavan’s nature is love, all that comes from Bhagavan is loving. “Stane”! Sw. Tejomayanada ji shared that those who are faithful, don’t complain to Bhagavan or about Bhagavan.

Sutra 79:

Sarvadā sarva-bhāvena niscintitaih bhagavān-eva bhajaniyah

All times, with all feeling, free from all worries, Lord alone is to be invoked/worshipped.

This verse is identical to Sutra 19, where Rishi Narada is trying to define “Anurāga”, Love without “I”ness. Rishi Narada defines Bhakti as having the feeling that all you do, all you are, is for Bhagavan. If you hold on to Bhagavan’s feet, you will not be swept away in the design of Maya.

Sutra 80:

Sa kirtyamānah sighram evāvirbhavati anubhāvayati ca bhaktān

For someone who is immersed in these sutras, and are practicing, in no time, Bhagavan will come and He will make them feel Bhagavan. This sutra is the phala sruti for the dedicated students of this class who have been engaging in Bhakti with devotion and sincerity.

In the Ramayana, Sri Lakshmana shares that Bhagavan Rama is the one who binds and also the one who frees. Bhagavan is facilitating this Leela. In this sutra, Rishi Narada shares, that the one who is putting their maximum effort, eventually Bhagavan will take over. The Bhakta will no longer be able to put in effort, this will be Bhagavan’s kripa and will make one feel Bhagavan. If we are not feeling this verse, it is because our Prema (only Bhagavan) is tainted into Sneha (Bhagavan also).

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