Narada Bhakti Sutra, Sutras 49 and 50

Week 18, Class 16, Feb 06 2024

Class Notes by Bhargavi

Hanuman ji is THE icon of Anuraga. Our course is designed to make the theology of Hanumanji and the chanting of Hanuman Chalisa real. Just like when given all the ingredients of a dish, the final dish manifests. Our Narada Bhakti sutra course is providing us with the ingredients and the process so we can be Hanuman ji (Anuraga- Love without I-ness).


Sutra 47: Rishi Narada shares many more ways that we need to live to be able to be free. This sutra is part of a series of sutras on “Kah tarata”, “who is the one who is free?” and steps are given. If you really understand change, your relationship with change will become lighter. If you really understand that circumstances, articles and beings are changing, your relationship with them will become lighter. This is a methodology in letting go.

Sutra 48: More qualities are given in terms of the who becomes free and Rishi Narada offers a comprehensive plan by guiding us to love in such a way that everything we do is for the divine. Any “doing” will result in “fruits” and we feel that all that comes belongs to the divine. So both the actions and the results are for the divine. We should be dedicated so that we are not deterred by any force. One then goes past pairs of opposites.

This class:

Sutra 49:

Yo vedān-api sannyasyati kevalam -avicchinnānurāgam labhate

The one who renounces the Vedas is the one who will be free (cross over Maya). The implication here is that we should not have a Sattvic ego. The one who develops unbroken love is the one who crosses over Maya. Sattvic remembrance that all in life is on account of Hand of God!

This section moves from sutra 46 to 50.

Sutra 46 begins with the question “Kah tarati”, who crosses over fear/Maya? In sutras 46, 47, 48 and 49, 12 requirements/practices are shared. The one who practices these 12 requirements, is the one who crosses over Maya:

  1. Independent: one who doesn’t hold on to articles, beings and circumstances.
  2. Serving: Serve society, humanity
  3. Light: they are light handed. Light hearted. They understand change and so are light with change
  4. Secure: They are able to be alone without feeling lonely
  5. Insightful: As they go about living, they don’t depend on sight but rather insight
  6. Deep: They go past names and forms and all other limitations
  7. Grateful: Grateful for the opportunities and the trust triangle
  8. Deservership lessness
  9. Doership lessness
  10. One who is beyond: Beyond the gunas, moods of the mind
  11. One who is contemplative: No experience passes without them learning from it
  12. One who is surrendered: This person has surrendered their ego

As a result of passing all these 12 requirements, the following happens.

Sutra 50:

Sa tarata sa tarata sa lokānstārayati

Such a person who is living in these 12 disciplines, are saved, from drowning (in meaninglessness). Rishi Valmiki ji had shared that he had written the Ramayana, because, he knows what it feels to be tossed around like a dry leaf. Such a seeker, is no longer a seeker, they become a savior. They go back and save those that are following these 12 disciplines.

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