Narada Bhakti Sutra , Sutras 1 and 2

Week 01 , Class 01, Sept 19 2023

In Shrimad Bhagavatam, the avataras of Bhagwan are shared in detail. The original form and name of Brahman is Bhagavan Narayana. The next avatara (increasing externality) is Bhagavan Bramha. The next avatara are the Sanata Kumaras (mind born children of Bhagavan Bramha) and the next avatara is Rishi Narada. Rishi Narada therefore is Bhagavan, he is divinity with a specific form and name. Word “Narada”= Nāram dadāti iti Narada (one who gives water, in this context water represents knowledge) . Narada is the one who gives knowledge generously.

We are investing in Bhakti and we are being guided by Rishi Narada. Rishi Narada always challenges seekers to become intense seekers. For example, Dhruva wanted a position in life. When he came across Rishi Narada, the great sage shared with him that the position he is seeking is impermanent and urges him to seek that which is permanent and never to be lost. Bhakta Dhruva ultimately did get to feel Bhagavan Narayana prompted by the great sage’s challenge.

Rishi Narada is the author of the Sutra, the zip files on Bhakti. There are 84 sutras in Narada Bhakti Sutras.

Sutra 1: athāo bhaktim vyākhyāsyāmah

This sutra shares that we have lived in a certain way in the past and now have reached “now”. Implication is that while we acknowledge the past, we are focused on the “now” or present. Past here means one who is lived to become Sattvic (whose vision in lifestyle is of quietness).

Henceforth, I am going to seek more intensely. I am tired of being tired of the external. This is being shared by a Parampara and not just by him. This is being shared in a sutra. Rishi Narada is presenting this knowledge via sutras. These sutras are about Bhakti (root word is Bhaja). Bhaja starts with one “s” and flows to 5 more “s”s. Sing<seek<support<serve<surrender. The last “s” does not represent an action but the state of being, “serenity”. When one surrenders, they are surrendering doing and they start to be Serene.

This sutra shares that we have already lived to be quiet. When you are quiet, we realize that there is more to life than what we are doing. They want to seek more intensely. There is a tradition of teachers to guide them in bhakti.

Sutra 2: sā tvasmin parama prema rūpā

Whenever there is an event happens in the world, we can analyze it by asking the questions: how, who, what, when, what, why.

In this sutra, Rishi Narada is tuning into the “what” of Bhakti. The rupa of Bhakti, in this context Rupa means nature (and not form). Bhakti is prema, parama prema. Sneha generally means someone who is holding on to the lower and they let go of the higher. Prema on the other hand, means someone who is holding onto the higher and so they let go of the lower. Parama is synonymous with “eva”or alone. Rishi Narada is describing this bhakti as that which is holding on to the higher/deeper ALONE and not holding on to any article, being or circumstance.

Some insights from the Ramayana: When Sri Lakshmana approaches Lord Rama right before Devi Sita is going to be abducted, he asks the Lord series of questions. The final question he asks is “What is bhakti”? Bhagavan Rama responds by saying “dependence”. Parama prema rupa bhakti is depending on God alone! When you depend on God alone, you don’t require a return. When Hanuman ji shares with the Lord that he had the darshan of Devi Sita, Lord Rama is relieved. Hanuman ji falls at his Lord’s feet and eventually Bhagavan tells him that in return He cannot give Hanauman ji anything but Himself and He just embraces Him. Hanuman ji does not want anything but be with and BE Bhagavan Rama.

We should also strive for the highest prayer, not praying for anything but pray to be with Bhagavan. If we are with Bhagavan, Bhagavan will make us one with Her, one with Him!

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