Narada Bhakti Sutra Course RAWs

Hari Om! Here is list of all The Reflection Adventures of the Week for the Narada Bhakti Sutra Course. Please share your reflections, experiences and thoughts via comments below.

  • RAM for Week 32: May 14, 2024 
    Take up one of the books/guides from our websight and study this by yourself over the summer.
  • RAW for Week 31: May 7, 2024 
    Feel that there is no divinity
  • RAW for Week 30: April 30, 2024 
    Visualize there is no you, there is no Vivekji and there is no map
  • RAW for Week 29: April 23, 2024 
    Feel that this is our final week together and Vivekji will
  • RAW for Week 28: April 16, 2024 
  • RAW for Week 27: April 9, 2024 
    Feel that Bhagavan is living in your chest
  • RAW for Week 26: April 2, 2024 
    No class
  • RAW for Week 25: March 26, 2024 
    Offer a vice to Bhagavan
  • RAW for Week 24: March 19, 2024 
    Have a daily samvada with Bhagavan
  • RAW for Week 23: March 12, 2024 
    No Raw
  • RAW for Week 22: March 5, 2024 
    Every day this week engage in a physical homely chore in a bhakti infused way for 10 minutes.
  • RAW for Week 21: February 27, 2024 
    Identify 6 ways complexities in your life
  • RAW for Week 20: February 20, 2024 
    Read the last 3 paragraphs of sutra 53 to yourself in front of a mirror.
  • RAW for Week 19: February 13, 2024 
    Memorize the 12 disciplines that are needed to cross Maya.
  • RAW for Week 18: February 6, 2024 
    Finalize your 10 questions and every day this week give them to someone to answer.
  • RAW for Week 17: January 30, 2024 
    Practice what Vivekji read from page 87 and Study for your test
  • RAW for Week 16: January 23, 2024 
    Count how many times you are in this ladder of fall this week and on which rung
  • RAW for Week 15: January 16, 2024 
    Write to yourself about a negative relationship that you have and how its affecting you
  • RAM for winter break: December 19, 2023 
    Review 2 sutras a day during the break
  • RAW for Week 13: December 14, 2023 
    Let go of 1 comfort
  • RAW for Week 12: December 5, 2023 
    No Class because of THS7
  • RAW for Week 11: November 28, 2023 
    Listen to the Beatles final song Now and Then — and feel you are singing this to Bhagavan
  • RAW for Week 10: November 21, 2023 
    No RAW
  • RAW for Week 9: November 14, 2023 
    No class.
  • RAW for Week 8: November 7, 2023 
    Review Vivekji review of the 18 lakshyas for the 18 verses
  • RAW for Week 7: October 31, 2023 
    No class.
  • RAW for Week 6: October 24, 2023 
    Every day create a to-do list and build likhita japa into your to-do list.
  • RAW for Week 5: October 17, 2023 
    Continue with the gratitude guide for a minimum of 5 mins, every morning. And every time you think you are bored, write “I am sorry”.
  • RAW for Week 4: October 10, 2023 
    Evolve your prayer to not ask for anything
  • RAW for Week 3: October 3, 2023 
    Don’t use people
  • RAW for Week 2: September 26, 2023 
    Identify the 10 verbs that you engage in the most.
  • RAW for Week 1: September 19, 2023 
    Setup a meaningful Altar from where you are joining for NBS to feel the presence of Bhagavan around the place .

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  • RAW for Week 29: April 23, 2024 Feel that this is our final week together

i have been asking this question for long (assuming that al of us pass away at the same time!) and feel that if all of us are no longer there, then i’ll either be born again as jiva and won’t remember my past or i would have become one with Consciousness. In both cases there is nothing to worry about. But if this is not my enlightened passing away, i would like to be born thinking of NARAYANA alone and finally reach Him.

If this is only the final class, i still feel i’ll take the teachings of my Map and Sadguru and work on it until i become one with Them.

Week 19: Feb 13 2024 – Read the last 3 paragraphs of sutra 53 to yourself in front of a mirror.                This was very related to the discussion question that was asked: will i be enlightened in this birth?       With my complacency here and there i said ‘Work in Progress!’ but after reading Gurudev’s verses, i feel this should be my ‘Taraka Mantra‘. Reading in front of the mirror was asserting this point. Will work hard.

Review Vivekji’s Review and come up with your Lakshana/indicators
sutra 1 -Trust Triangle-take us to our nature
sutra 2- Right Association-so you think and develop
sutra3 -Changeless- holding on to substratum -makes fearless
sutra 4 – Support- when balanced we support
sutra 5 – Fulfillment- no more desires
sutra 6- Silence- means and end are all one
sutra9- lifestyle -helps us in unifying with Bhagavan . make secular sacred
Sutra 10 -Remember -him alone in all the actions
sutra 11-sincere – in seeking/ aspire
sutra 12 purity/evolve – following leads to virtuous/pure/
sutra 13- impure/Devolve- not following make us impure
sutra 14 – Absolute- no relative
sutra 15 – Experienced – those who felt his love
sutra 16- show( the Love) – those who experienced show it in action
sutra 17- Share( the Love-) those who experienced shared this in words
sutra 18- feel (the Love) -feel it without action and words
sutra 19 – Happiness/Ananda – beyond the experience ,equipment , ego
sutra 20 -Inclusion- everyone is in him
sutra 21 – Absorption – Complete all round ( 360 degree) . its the locus with no reference

Last edited 1 year ago by Meena Vairavan
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