Meditation in Life: Recap, Q/A Session – Sept 24, 2019

This course is about Meditation in Life. It encourages a lifestyle that emphasizes simplicity. Simpler the lifestyle, better your ability to engage in high thinking. If you are busy, you tend to be uptight; if you are distracted, more likely to be irritable. So, simplify your life.

A practical way to do this is to establish a routine — a rigorous routine that is rooted in simplicity. It will help you achieve more.

If there is no discipline or routine, it is hard to accomplish what you set out to do. If you are planning on participating in a marathon or half-marathon, then you need to take the appropriate actions to prepare for it. If you don’t, the results will be self-evident. Another example, that Vivek Ji provided to underscore the role of routine, is one related to studying comparative religion. There are frequently questions raised whether one should investigate other religious discipline. The answer is yes and no. If one is 80% conversant with our own scriptures, then looking at other religious orders makes sense. If not, not. The reason is, if one has the conviction borne from one’s own knowledge, looking at other paths is less likely to confuse one. Instead it will reinforce one’s belief system. How does one become 80% proficient in our scriptures and teachings? Discipline and routine. It needs to be part of one’s lifestyle. Practice sadhana routinely and have high expectations for yourself.

Process of meditation recap:

1. Pray to your ishta devata.

2. Simplify your altar — more idols are more likely to confuse than help.

3. Sit and engage in thought massage — be healthy. Healthier body, better one’s ability to meditate and dis-associate oneself from the body.

4. Engage in thought parade — as Swami Chinmayananda expounds — watch them as though you are witnessing a military parade — intellect acknowledges but does not engage.

Pray, sit, watch.

Lastly, inquire then contemplate.

One may be fearful of contemplation; one may also be afraid of one’s own subconscious thoughts.

Contemplation may reveal the negative aspects of one’s own self — how lethargic, jealous or insecure one is. Be optimistic when you go into contemplation — an optimistic person emerges from such contemplation with a positive outlook, pessimistic or negative persons may get scared by the ugliness revealed by contemplation.

Fix the problems identified by contemplation. Even a task like filling out forms to get a visa to come to the US or Canada involves effort. Contemplation is for a higher purpose — higher purpose require more effort. Routine, diligent practice.

Do not be afraid and people who contemplate regularly, become physically, mentally and intellectually stronger.

Question and Answering Session:

Question: Using guided meditation I hit a wall — and unable to follow on with the guidance. How best to overcome this barrier?

Vivek Ji: You all should read another text from Swami Chinmayananda — The art of contemplation. When your thoughts become louder and you are unable to control it, you should chant loud outside — drowning the thoughts with your overt vocalization. When the thoughts become quieter, stop the vocalization or reduce the volume gradually. You all should bear in mind it is good to use guided contemplation — but it is only a tool to get you started. After some time, you have to rely on yourself to contemplate.

Question: I am unable to follow through with sadana — get confused by contradicting advice — get distracted by body pains. How best to overcome this affliction?

Vivek Ji: You can all do anything you really want to do. Eating right, waking up early all is possible when you make self-development a priority. Don’t go Guru shopping — take up one sadhana and go deep. Associate with the right group of friends and role models.

Question: At work I am distracted by co-workers. They converse loudly in my space and even if want to focus on work I get sucked into the conversation.

Vivek Ji: A funny anecdote — I frequently walk past all the different classes when boarding a plane, past first class, business class, economy premium all the way to the rear bathroom near screaming kids 😃. Well the one thing you notice is half the people have headsets and listening to something. You should try this in work environment. [my note: In my office, which has an open office format, everyone wears a headset!]. Getting distracted at work is bad for the efficiency of yourself as well as to the organization. Periodically, do take the headset down lest you are taken to be an anti-social worker! Also, when you do engage in conversation with your co-worker, actively listen to what they are saying. Pay full attention to every word they say, every movement of their mouth, acknowledging every word without getting caught up by it. The co-worker will likely feel good because you are taking the time to really listen to them. This is also good practice for the thought parade.

Question: In my meditation practice, sometimes I am beset with darkness — which is unsettling.

Vivek Ji: Your best antidote is to pray to Bhagavan — your ishta devata. He/She will protect you. There is a branch of Buddhism, which is similar to nihilism, where they believe in nothingness. We on the contrary believe in somethingness. That somethingness is athma. Next time you see a dark period, just stand back and witness the fearful thoughts that may arise, rather than getting caught up in them. Remember your Ishta devata.

Question: Meditation advises us to simplify our life. I get constant advice to engage in complex puja — a puja for any and every affliction we may perceive. What should I do?

Vivek Ji: People with suggestions for different pujas are fundamentally undermining your own capacity to contemplate and resolve issues. Kapila Muni taught his own mother that the suffering she experiences is just an illusion. Relax, enjoy, chant, inquire and contemplate. Contemplation is about content — rituals are about context. To do contemplation properly, it requires you to let go of yourself and surrender to Him.

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