March 2023: Living Simply


Article 15: Living Simply: What must we do?


Meenakshi Umesh
BArch, MSc in Applied Psychology
Puvidham Learning Center, Founder, Teacher, Administrator, Trustee

Action to support the Planet to recover from all the destruction that it has been dealt with for the last 500 years is not something that we can expect big corporations or governments to indulge in. 

All development is to make life more comfortable and save time so that we can do more work to produce more irrespective of the impact it has on our only resource – PLANET EARTH.

While doing more we forget to live! We forget that our children need our time more than the things we want to get for them by working hard. We the people in whose name the mass destruction is happening have to change our lifestyle to help the regeneration and redistribution of resources so that all humans live a life of dignity and care for the planet.

First and foremost we need to keep gratitude for Mother Nature in our thoughts every morning. We can start the day with the following prayer and affirmation. Our thoughts decide our actions. So we fill up with these!

Prayer for sustainable living!
The earth is my home.
Nature is my mother.
Water is my father.
Air is my breath.
I will protect Nature.
I will save water.
I am responsible for the health of the earth. 
I love all living and non-living beings.
I respect their right to remain peaceful.
I am strong, I am strength.
I am healthy, I am health.
I am wealthy, I am wealth.
I am happy, I am happiness.
I am peaceful, I am peace.
Affirmations for self-love!
I Love you         (our name)_ __
You are the most wonderful human being on this planet.
Thank you for always being with me.
Thank you for taking care of me.
I will always be with you. 
I will always care for you.
I am grateful for this beautiful body I am born in.
I am grateful that I have a healthy body.
I am grateful that I have so many skills. 
I am grateful that my body helps me to do everything I want to do.
I take good care of my body.

Follow simple tasks like:

  • Being aware and keeping track of how much water we use; 
  • Use heating and cooling facilities with care; 
  • Use paper and notebooks and see if we can ensure that each page is used to its fullest potential;  
  • Using pencils and refillable ink pens instead of ball point use and throw pens; 
  • Recycling used paper into fresh paper at home; 
  • Challenging ourselves to abstain from packaged food and snacks; 
  • Challenging ourselves to abstain from shopping unnecessarily; 
  • Doing our own cooking, cleaning and washing clothes so that we are self-reliant; 
  • Make bio enzymes for cleaning our floors and clothes; 
  • Fold clothes neatly and gravity press them so that there is no need for ironing clothes; 
  • Segregation of waste into compostable waste and recycling waste; 
  • Composting, making plant nutrients like effective microorganism (EM) solutions from fruit and vegetable waste; 
  • Pot gardening on front yard or roof top; 
  • Make our own soaps and shampoos using tomatoes, papaya peels, aloe vera and other herbs we grow; 
  • Learning to upcycle old cloth into bags, floor mats, handkerchiefs and  even embroider on them! 

AND best of all, write our experience down into a story form to inspire others and put them on our blogs or convert them into e-books! 

If each of us can inspire at least one other person to become a responsible consumer, the numbers will grow exponentially and the impact will be phenomenal!

Action to Implement

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🌱 March 2023: (1) Plant seeds to start a kitchen garden indoor or outdoor. (2) share pictures in the comment section below.

Introducing our March PS Workshop

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