Living the Gita RAWs

  • RAW for Week 1 — Sep 17, 2020
    Print out Prince Arjuna’s Questions. Read, write, and complete reflections.
  • RAW for Week 2 — Sep 24, 2020
    Whenever your mind is disturbed — drink a glass of water and feel that it is calming your mind. If that doesn’t help — wash your hands with soap and then don’t moisturize your hands after.
  • RAW for Week 3— Oct 1, 2020
    Identify 3 engagements/activities that you are doing that you know to be wrong — you are knowingly doing this and know that it is wrong.
  • RAW for Week 4 — Oct 8, 2020
    Buy a physical planner ! Have it ready to show/hold it up in class !
  • RAW for Week 5 — Oct 15, 2020
    Identify and dissect the saddest/lowest point of your life.
  • RAW for Week 6 — Oct 22, 2020
    How are you ‘Living the Gita’ — share 2 ways
  • RAW for Week 7 — Oct 29, 2020
    ~No more RAW’s — Please reflect in your ‘Prince Arjuna’s Questions’ book and share your reflections/learning here so we can all grow together.
  • RAM — May 20, 2021
    Every Thursday for 1 hour, review and reflect on 3 PAQs.
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Q 42: What is Abandonment?

Reflection: What excuses do you make to justify being attached to the results of your actions?

I feel and know that I can let go of being attached to the results of my actions for selfish reasons. However, the harder part for me to let go is that, I feel that my actions and work has to amount to something and that it should be working toward a goal. And the best way to measure the work done is by the progress/results of the actions. Even trying to maintain a bhakti yoga mindset and dedicating all my actions and results for Bhagwan, I feel that I should have good results to show as this is work done for the Lord. Otherwise I wasted my efforts and the opportunities given to me.

I know I should let go of this as that is the idea of doership and I need to move beyond that. This is what I will put effort toward.

Q41: What is one instance in your life where you have worked without desire?

Serving Chinmaya Mission has been ‘work’ without expectations. I have been truly fortunate to be a sevika at CM Cleveland. Our team brings the best in each other and works in sync guided by Vivekji. I am perpetually learning from our CM committee members.

The responsibility assigned to me becomes a work of joy. It helps me engage in self-development and extend my comfort zones. With many years and perhaps lifetimes spent focussing on pleasure, position, and possessions, I see a shift in my attitude and perspective towards higher in the last few years.

How happy our family is when CM members are at our home, how we look forward to our home being an ashram for few days. It is such a beautiful feeling.

I reminisce that- I was always found in various parties, late-night outs, dance events, and glamorous social galas, and so I used to be aptly called a social butterfly in those old times. Yikes!

People call me asking- where they should donate, do I have info on charitable organizations, and can I guide them on volunteer opportunities, can I help them with social justice projects and fundraisers or can they host Vivekji?

How did I get so lucky?
Only His grace and guru’s guidance.
Thank you for the opportunity for seva.

Q41: What is one instance in your life where you have worked without desire?

  1. Pre-Pandemic, donating blood is something i have done without expecting anything in return.
  2. Cooking in our Chinmaya Mission once a year and donating the money to our Mission.
  3. Painting for fund raising for our Mission. These are done without any desire as these are activities that i love to do!

Q40: What will you do daily to strengthen your commitment to self-development?

  1. The 3 Rs even after May 20th
  2. In an uncontrolled environment, try to regurgitate and bring up some of the SAmAnya DharmAs in every action i am part of.
  3. Try to get away from Media for more than an hour before going to bed and substituting by reading.

Q41: What is one instance in your life where you have worked without desire?

Hari om Vivekji & fellow LTG seekers

For this question, a recent opportunity presented itself for my virtual participation as a volunteer judge for a college’s Engineering EXPO in the medical device field. This was truly an opportunity to contribute to society/future upcoming students in the BME field/engineering & sciences by judging on innovative prototypes intended to improve human health against various diseases & health related risks. There were zero desires/results involved with this as a result of my time & efforts as a volunteer judge for the community.

The opportunity was a wonderful experience to witness the latest & greatest in the sciences intended to help the community, humanity for the world with low cost solutions & affordable access to all!


Q40: What will you do daily to strengthen your commitment to self-development?

Hari om Vivekji and fellow LTG seekers

For this question, the opportunity to engage with the world and yet not be caught up with the little things is the sadhana I can practice in order to strengthen this commitment. This allows me to constantly evolve and test myself with various interactions & as a result assess the growth within self-development on a constant basis.

The daily practice I will strengthen my commitment to self-development is through constant remembrance of the scriptures with the following analogy from a prior camp as follows “this Sagar is just the Sakshi nothing more” and not identify/personally attach with the engagements occurring with the world. This will be the focus to the self-development & growth on a daily basis.


Q39: In evolving towards purity(sattwa), how can you use the agitation(rajas) and lethargy(tamas) in your personality constructively?

  • Agitation in my mind is due to owning the praises, getting affected by criticism and attachment. Earlier this used to be in my system for weeks and days. But for the past year or so, i put my troubles at Narayana’s feet. This is still there for a day or two and then i am able to overcome it. Trying to not forget my Narayana is main focus.
  • Lethargy is work in progress too – i try to find inspiration in my work and this helps time fly by as well as focus more in what i’m doing.
  • i think these help increase my sattwa and the plan is to continue doing it for which i need a lot of Narayana’s grace.

Q38: How is your mental balance affected by taking both praise and blame too seriously?

  • Maybe up until 2 years ago, i would personalize the blame and feel for it for days together which made life unproductive
  • Ever since the study and reflection, i am able to pull myself out of the situation. am able to attribute the praise to others who make me challenge myself – the hi-5 challenge has trained me on the 5 earlys.
  • i am using the blame to improve myself and not take it to heart. This way i am able to bounce back and not be reeling in the situation. Ever grateful to the grace of my Sadguru and Bhagawan.

Q38: How is your mental balance affected by taking both praise and blame too seriously?

Hari om Vivekji and fellow LTG seekers

Over the years, the situations which challenged my perspective helped me grow to not have expectations in what I take part in or am part of. Through this process, I have focused on the doing more so than expecting/materialistic tendencies/rewards in the world overall. As a result of this continued growth, the doing has been more what has mattered and allowing me to remain equipoise in terms of mental balance. Through it, I have only accepted it as grace to those who helped make it happen when praise comes rather than identifying it with individually. The same goes with blame where I consider the perspective from an objective lens & constructive criticism for how the process of doing something can become much better!

Through this, my mental balance has not been greatly affected in situations of praise and blame too seriously and remains calm/balanced-equipoise. Rather it always focus on the objective angle/the doing for what was participated/contributed for at all times. I treat it as prasad in both ways and just continue to do better & improve for all!


Q37: When faced with a challenge, how do your gunas affect your ability to plan a solution
and execute that plan?

  • When Tamasic, feel sloth like and don’t feel like planning and executing anything. postponing is the attitude
  • When Rajasic, feel impulsive and react than respond. So plan is not effectively executed
  • When Sattwic, quietude really directs the mind to do the planning effectively and the end result is a lot of satisfaction and close to perfection.

When faced with a challenge, how do your gunas affect your ability to plan a solution
and execute that plan?

Hari om Vivekji and LTG seekers

For this question’s reflection, the clarity in mind and an approach to things through sattva (purity) combined with discipline and uni-tasking is the key where one will approach things with a single-minded laser like focus. Through experiences, this was something that Sagar went through and realized overtime.

Additionally, this reflection related to upon further internalizing one of Gurudev’s quotes that resonates with this question and what Sagar strives to do in everything:
“Plan out your work, then work out your plan. The former without the latter is a sheer waste.
The latter without the former is mere unproductive confusion.
—Swami Chinmayananda”

In the past when Sagar tried to multi-task and/or submit things towards a last minute approach (in the early education years [high school & initial college years]) this never worked because of lacking a single pointed focus as highlighted by Gurudev’s quote and through the use of rajas and tamas. This would lead to aggressive long nights rather than advanced completion by executing the work in parts and/or last minute procrastination with assignments/projects.

Since the realization and lack of sattva in the past, difficult challenges were not handled with the appropriate guna and felt impossible to overcome as a result. After analyzing these experiences, an insight came which led to the idea of being able to do much better through a fusion of sattva via clarity of mind and only focusing on the doing by integrating Gurudev’s quote into daily living. This thought process and plan has guided me since mid-way through undergraduate education as well as community service and life/interactions with people, society.

As a result, no matter the work, task and/or challenge it is definitely possible to plan, execute and carry out actions (especially when challenges/obstacles arise) when one carries it out with sattva!


What is the Supreme?
Everything is Supreme was the first thought. As i reflected, many more thoughts – about the knower and the known, the dance and the dancer, the ocean and the waves … i had to acknowledge that – one who is limited (like me) cannot possibly explain the Unlimited – any attempt i made would be limited. How do you explain that which is beyond compare? If i tried – the Infinite would be expressed in finitude.
 My story : At first, i perceived everything as dual –  all that i am and all that i am not – limited by time and space, and ever changing. There must be a source/an anchor, a Creator, i think.
And the journey of self discovery starts. i walk and i seek – learning about myself along the way while shedding the baggage that keeps me stuck. i walk until there is nowhere to go but back to where i started. Through relentless effort i hope to reach a state of effortlessness, where doership surrenders to the awareness that i am NOTHING. Nothing but an instrument flowing in the plan of the Divine.
That oneness, born of such intense longing, where there is bliss, where i am free of all bondage – where everything JUST IS – That is the Supreme.
i borrow Vivekji’s statement, from yesterday – “Close your eyes, open your hearts to the Divinity that is you”.

Will your current purpose of living bring you to know Brahman.

My reflection

The purpose has evolved and changed on associating with satsanga, Vedanta and Vivekji. With this now there is a deeper understanding of meaning of life. I used to live for pleasure, possession and position. More money, better cars, bigger home, branded accessories……..what a waste of time and resources. Work was good mostly as it brought a good pay check. With all that along with loving and supportive husband and two wonderful kids, why did it still feel that something was missing?

As I learned more about Life and myself, I realize the futility of these meaningless pursuits giving me ephemeral and conditioned happiness.

“Think BIG!!” as Swami Chinmayananda ji always says.
And here I had been living with my small thinking.
Now the purpose of my life is enlightenment.If continue to be steady, sincere and with stamina, there is no doubt that eventually I will know Brahman.

With this vision the daily living has been transformed. each action becomes meaningful and intentional.
YES!! I will know Brahman. That is the ONLY way.

What is needed for constant remembrance of this knowledge even in the midst of life’s activities?

*When doing anything if my hand and head are present, i feel i am in remembrance of this knowledge. This way the work gets done efficiently and there is satisfaction. In fact people around are noticing this more than me. Thanks to our Guruparampara for smoothly guiding me along this path.

What is needed for constant remembrance of this knowledge even in the midst of life’s activities?

Simplifying, Reflecting/Contemplating, Daily Sadhana.
I believe by simplifying my life i can declutter not only the outside (my home, car, etc) but also the inside. The less things i have and do the more time and energy i have to be more intentional. Daily sadhana is also a great way to start the day because i am more likely to continue that focus into the uncontrolled environment. Of course, I still forget but the goal is to continue to keep doing what I need to in the controlled environment and work on slowing down and being more intentional in the uncontrolled environment.

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