by Sevakas of Chinmaya Mission Fairfield-New Haven

Chinmaya Saraswati (CMFN), CT, was honored to host the first retreat of its kind on the weekend of October 25th to 27th 2024, paving the path to attaining fullest potential in serving our Mother Earth.
The Chinmaya and “Loving Earth” teams orchestrated the weekend successfully, achieving the intended goal of completely negating plastic and paper product use and team building as there were ongoing clean ups by all. An achievement indeed, as there will be no looking back!
Sanatana Dharma was echoed by our eloquent Gurus. The teachings of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita’s Chapter 11, by Shri Vivek Gupta aptly exemplified the connection of the earth to one’s family, society and Divinity. The Durva Suktam and its application to today was conveyed beautifully by Shrimati Shashikala Dwarakanath, resident guide of Chinmaya Mission Boston. Yuva Kendra was inspired by relatable discussions by Shri Suman Rajupet, and unstructured play outdoors for the younger ones fostered light bulb moments of inventions, Shark Tank versions, like water powered cars and bamboo based paper.
The organizers mindfully ensured enjoyment for all; a soccer match, a bonfire, a nail biting trivia game of Scattergories connecting Vedanta to nature. The next day was packed; a tour of Common Ground, a unique combination of high school and an urban farm providing environmental education. At the much awaited highlight, the Earth Fair, a children-led SoaperHero team taught on making home-made laundry detergent. Another team showed various composting methods, and the utility of worms as fertilizers. Thought provoking mythbusters left one to ponder; if fossil fuels are being utilized for recycling plants, perhaps more effort is needed to repurpose? Are paper straws truly less harmful than plastic ones ? And the thrill of a plant swap would tickle any phytophile!
A banner utilizing repurposed cloth material, was handed over like an Olympic torch for the next Loving Earth retreat to be held at Chinmaya Mission, Boston, MA . The doors have opened for an era cultivating Prithvi yoga.