Summary of last session (March 18) by Shri Mohan Khandekar

Shri Vijayji started the session by describing the glories of seven cities of pilgrimage (सात पुरी).  It is believed that one can achieve jeevanmukti due to their sheer “strength”. No wonder our Saints are attracted to them! Liberation is possible by visiting the devout city of Kashi, provided one has “Kashi within” (purity).  Sant Tulsidasji had full conviction that by visiting such a Tirth Kshetra (तीर्थक्षेत्र), a mute can start articulating beautifully. 

After this beautiful introduction, Vijayji continued with the story of Tarakasur, who received a boon from Brahma that no one will be able to kill him. However the only two who can negate this boon are Shivji and Ramji (Krishna). Therefore Brahmaji assures the Devataas that the son of Shivji, six years or under will slay him. Tarkasur laughs at this statement, knowing fully well that a six year child will be no match to his strength, let alone be able to kill him!  Moreover at that time Shivji was not even married!!

82:1 “Go to Shivji and He will help you” Brahmaji reassures Devataas. Vijayji, here, pointed to the underlying message. Ishwar will help us if we do our  Purushartha (पुरुषार्थ), then only we can change our Prarabdha (प्रारब्ध). He narrated a couple of stories to illustrate the Ishwar-Devotee relationship. 

82:2/3 The Devataas are in conundrum. They want Shivji to get married but how can it be done when He is engrossed in deep Samadhi? Brahmaji offers a solution. ” Go to Kamdev and ask him to “break” the Samadhi. Shivji will get angry and open His eyes. That’s when we will request Him to get married” Brahmaji suggests.  

82:4 Devataas agreed and proceeded to Kamdev with the proposal. Here Kamdev is described as one with five (विषम, odd) arrows and has a flag depicting fish. Vijayji explained its significance. Number 5 signifies our five senses which are prone to run after objects of desire  (काम) and rapidly moving fish indicates restless mind. Doha 83: Kamdev listens to their plan and agrees to help, in spite of knowing fully well that he is likely to face the anger of Shivji. (Vijayji’s comments: There are two kinds of enmity, one out of love and other because of ego. Kamdev’s is the first kind).

83:1 ” At the end, I am agreeing to a losing proposition but I am ready”, Kamdev exclaims. 

Why is he doing so? Because as per Vedas, helping others (परहित) is the true righteousness, Vijayji explained and supported this statement with the examples of Jatayu and Dadhichi. You do not incur sin if you do Rajasic action with Satvic Buddhi (Example: Gurudev).  In Dharma, Artha, Kaam, Moksha (धर्म अर्थ काम मोक्ष), Kaam is considered to be the lowest in everyday life but highest if you are doing it to achieve God. 

83:2 Knowing that his death is imminent, Kamdev embarks on his mission. 

83:3 Due to his fury, the world was under the influence of Kamdev (कामनाग्रस्त) and the importance of Vedas started to wean off.

84:4 Many virtues such as celibacy, rules of the law, control over the senses, patience, righteousness, knowledge, honourable behaviour, japa, yoga and dispassion started to recede from mankind. 

Jai Shree Ram!

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