January 2023: Vedanta and Nature


Article 13: Living Vedanta is Environmentalism


Prthvi Sevasanga Team

Vedanta is the science of Oneness. All that exists is the one indivisible Unity that appears as names and forms (e.g., people, trees, animals, earth) when perceived through sense organs. Living Vedanta means dedicating oneself to rediscover this Unity or God. The path to this rediscovery necessarily involves expanding one’s limited identity from oneself to identification with all that is around oneself and ultimately to the entirety of creation and the Creator. Scriptural texts on Vedanta are woven with teachings about the sacredness of nature. The earth is worshipped as the Divine Mother; reverence for nature and Her laws is a fundamental responsibility. Thus, living in harmony with nature and caring for nature or environmentalism is most natural for those who practice Vedanta.

However, as the clarity of our true Nature is lost, we forget that the source of our body and mind are the elements. We forget that we owe every bit of our existence to nature and its forces. As a result of this forgetfulness, our desire to procure to feel complete becomes a habit and eventually, becomes our lifestyle. We procure from nature without being sensitive to the external and internal impact of our desires. Externally, there are negative impacts on the environment and internally, there is an accumulation of vices and agitation. The word environment literally means living and non-living elements that encircle us. Our interdependence is undeniable; yet, the relationship between us and the environment has devolved. Clearly, consumerist lifestyle choices make it increasingly difficult to practice simple living and high thinking.  

Living Vedanta involves the study of scriptures, self-reflection, and discipline to convert vices into virtues. When a seeker of Vedanta lives the six fundamental virtues of quietude, calmness, understanding, endurance, faith and focus, their lifestyle is one that naturally gives back more to the environment than it takes. Given the current environmental crisis we live in, every interaction we have with the external world can be looked upon as an opportunity to practice virtue development.

 Some ways we can practice:

  • quietude of mind – direct the mind towards the long-term rather than short-term
    • Practice: Before making any purchase of more than $50, take 5 minutes to reflect on whether this action is a short-term or a long-term gain.
  • calmness of body – use the body as an equipment for a nobler purpose rather than a  means for pleasure
    • Practice: Replace your most environmentally unfriendly meal with an earth-friendly meal. Start with twice a month and then increase.
  • understanding – expression of a cool mind and a calm body merging
    • Practice: Research how you can serve the environment. Implement and then share with 3 others.
  • endurance – not to be rattled by the constant noise around oneself
    • Practice: Reduce the temperature and length of your showers.
  • faith – growing from feeling Divinity in icons to seeing Divinity in creation
    • Practice: Go for nature walks. Feel the trees and animals as Mother Earth’s divine manifestations
  • focus – concentrating on an entity entirely where one becomes one with the entity
    • Practice: Do 10 mins of contemplation daily to help you feel your responsibility to serve Mother Earth

As we commit ourselves to virtue development, we will steadily live in a way that expresses our reverence for our Divine Mother. 

Action to Implement

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🌱 January 2023: 🌍 Create your personal practices for the 6 fundamental virtues

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