
Notes by Sanna Luthra


We also learned about hypocrisy, which means if someone does the opposite of what they say, or believe in. The opposite of hypocrisy is integrity, which means finding happiness through peace, and following your words.

Techniques and ways to practice integrity:

  1. WWW = What Would the Wise do
  2. Ask yourself this question: Will it matter one year from now?

A few of the riddles Vivekji mentioned in the practice:

Q. Why was it called the dark age?

A. Because there were so many knights.

Q. Why was the tomato red?

A. Because it saw the salad dressing.

Q. Where are the books about paranoia?

A. They are right behind you.

Paranoia means fear, so the librarian is trying to scare that person.

Q. If you look at my front, I am somebody. If you look at my back, I am a nobody. What am I?

A. A mirror.

Q. How do you remove two from five to get four?

A. Remove the “f” and “e”, which comes to the letters IV (Roman Numerals) = 4


Q. When my computer is really laggy, I miss a part of the lesson my online teacher is virtually teaching me. I also feel really nervous and overwhelmed during this time. How can I get back on track, and not feel overwhelmed nor nervous?

  1. Tips: Don’t take it so seriously, because the teacher will most likely review it afterwards. Another tip is that there is no way we can remember everything. Thirdly, read the text book more, to get a better understanding of the subject. Lastly, ask your parents for help.

Q. Let’s say I go to school, and I fully understand a subject. Then, comes a test on that same subject, and I forget most of the lessons I remembered before. How can I avoid this from happening?

  1. The reason why you go to school is not information. The purpose of school is your learning, and personality development. Secondly, have some relaxing time incorporated into your schedule. That way, you can focus and recharge your body, which will make you stay more focused, and remember the lessons much better.

R.A.M. (Reflection Adventure of the Month): Take seven and a half minutes for some quiet and relaxing time, in the morning and at night (or the evening).

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