
Notes by Aarav Luthra

Today Vivekji was in our class. He said when your parents tell you not to eat sugar, they eat sugar or when they tell you not to have peer pressure but they give into peer pressure. This is called hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is when your mouth and your actions are not the same. It is like if you pull your finger back you are experiencing stress. Hypocrisy leads to equipment disintegrating. Disintegrating is when it becomes weak and goes away. It is like when you think one thing but say another thing your mind and your mouth are disintegrating.

Another thought is when you try to find happiness through pleasure it is easy in the beginning but very hard in the end. Like if someone asks you what do you want to have for breakfast tomorrow you would say chocolate. But if you keep on eating chocolate for breakfast you are going to go so energetic and then you are going to be tired. This is called Thamasic sukha. It means easy in the beginning but hard in the end. But if you keep eating fruit in the morning at first you do not like it but you will feel way better. This is called Sathvik sukha.


For 1 minute we had to do anything that we wanted to do. But it has to be safe and your parents had to be fine with it. Now we had to do whatever Vivekji said for 1 minute. So we had to sit straight and close our eyes. We had to enjoy breathing and he wanted us to just think about what he talked about today and what he shared about today. Now which one did you feel happier in? It is number 2. When you were chosen to do whatever you wanted you were thinking one thing, saying another thing and acting a different thing and it was easy but then you got bored. But when he was guiding us we were saying the same thing acting the same ways and you were thinking the same thing.


1. Why was the tomato red?

It is because the tomato saw the salad dressing.

2. Why was it called the dark ages?

Because there were so many knights around

3. A man walked into a library and he asked the librarian where the book was on perinoya?

The librarian says they are right behind you.

4. If you look at my face I am somebody but if you look at my back I am nobody. Who am I?

A mirror.

5. How can you take 2 from 5 but leave 4?

If you imagine the word f i v e if you remove the f and the e what remains. I V and I V stands for 4.


1. Why do people live up to 100 years and not 1,000 or 1,000,000 years?

Back in the day people lived for much longer. Like when Bhagwan Kirshna was teaching prince Arjuna they were 85 years old and they were so fresh so they could have lived up to hundreds of years. So our equipment like our mind and our bodys are not as strong as they used to be.

2. So my grandpa is going to get buried so should I handle it like Indian or American since he is getting buried.

In our tradition we practice the body to get cremated. And buring is not like in our tradition. So whatever your parents decide is the right choice for this.


We all have 1,440 minutes a day. We have to relax our bodies and be quiet in our minds for 7 and a half minutes a in the morning and 7 and a half minutes in the evening.


Notes by Aarya Mishra


Vivekji started the class by asking what complaints do we have about our parents. He told us that one of the most frustrating things that parents do is, they think one thing, say another thing, and do another thing. Like, for example, they may say that sugar is bad but eat it all the time..

  • When someone thinks one thing, says another thing, and does another thing, it is called: hypocrisy.
  • Hypocrisy causes conflict and stress. Mind gets pulled in different direction by right and wrong.
  • Finding happiness through pleasure may be easy in the beginning but hard in the end- it is called tamasik sukha. Example- eating too much candy.
  • Doing the right thing is hard in the beginning but is always good for you- it is called satvik sukha. Example — attending a class that is good for you.

How do i know what is the right thing to do?

  • Think about WWW — what would the wise do. Whenever you are confused about following pleasure or peace — follow the wise people in your life and observe how they live their life.
  • Reflect on — will it matter in the long run? Reflect on what’s bothersome, upsetting or seemingly important- will it matter one year or five years from now. Doing the right thing, having integrity- will that matter in one or five years. The answer will guide you.
  • Think, speak and do the same thing, develop integrity!

Practice –

We did anything we wanted to do for one minutes. Then for one minutes we relaxed our body and thought of everything we learnt about being happy in the class! It felt so good the second time around because we were thinking speaking and doing in the same direction.

Riddles –

1. Why was the tomato red?

Because the tomato saw the salad dressing. He was embarrassed and turned red.

2. Why was it called the dark ages?

Because there were many “knights” around.

3. A man walks into a library and he asks the librarian — where the book was on paranoia/fear?

The librarian says (in a creey way) they are right behind you.

4. If you look at my face I am somebody but if you look at my back I am nobody. Who am I?

A mirror.

5. How can you take 2 from 5 but leave 4?

Take F and E out of FIVE = IV.


For the RAW, Vivekji told us, “Do seven and a half minutes of meditation in the morning and evening everyday.”

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