Importance of Shravanam

Summary of last session (February 6) by Shri. Mohan Khandekar ji

Shri Vijayji started the with a brief review of the last session.

12.5: Importance of Shravan (श्रवण) Manan (मनन) and the Guru. Following the teachings through Manan will reduce ego, attachment and help us to walk on the path of righteousness. Guru has simplified the path to our goal with His instructions.

13: The above explanation is further elaborated through the analogy of a bridge over a river. King is the Muni, Bridge is the knowledge being simplified and an ant (चीटी) is the ignorant (we).

13:1/2 The word Pungav (पुंगव) means Brahman/ Pandit who fully understands Ved and is not greedy for money. Sant Tusidasji offers his humble pranam to all the poets (past and present) who sang the Glories of Shri Ram.

Jai Shri Ram

Please join us for the next pravachan on February 20.

Harih Aum!

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