Happiness Is Keeping Your Promises

February 1, 2023

Notes by Maya Raman


A class of students went to an ice rink. Once they had put on their skates, they started to skate by holding the railing and each other but no one actually started skating. A few moments later, a young boy started to try to skate. He fell down butt first many times. Everyone laughed at him. Suddenly, he started running and tilting. Everyone stopped laughing and watched in awe in complete silence. This shows that if you put your mind to something you can do it. This also shows that at first, you may not be able to do something but if you keep trying you can do it. 


There was a nine-year-old girl named Harshi who came from a small village. She had just finished going to 4th Grade and was now going to 5th Grade at a new school in the city. It was her first day of school and she was riding a big yellow school bus to get to school. Once she got off the bus, she asked some kids questions about the school and followed kids into the school. Harshi found her classroom and enters. Harshi had joined late in the school year so the kids in her new class knew that Harshi was new and was not from the city because she wore much simpler clothes from the village, she came from. The kids looked at Harshi and started whispering. Then the teacher enters the classroom and introduces Harshi. Then the teacher says, “I have a surprise test for you! It’s about the 7 wonders of the world!” The teacher hand out the test papers. Everyone else finished the test. Except Harshi. She took a lot longer than the other students. When the teacher noticed this, she came over to Harshi and said,” Everyone else has already learned about the 7 wonders of the world. Don’t feel bad.” Harshi smiled and replied, “I’m was thinking which 7 wonders to write about.” With that, Harshi hands in her paper. After Harshi had handed in her paper, the teacher read all the exam papers. She was overjoyed to see that everyone had remembered what she had taught and had written the “correct” answers. Then, only Harshi’s paper was left. Harshi’s paper was different then everyone else’s. She had written that the 7 wonders of the world are the ability to be able to see, hear, feel, love, think, laugh, and be kind. When the teacher was done reading Harshi’s paper, she looked amazed. So did the rest of the class. Someone from a smaller place had taught them all something.


Even if you are different than everyone else, you are still special and you can still teach others.

Don’t be affected by what others think of you.


Promise yourself that you will sit still for 5 minutes every single day.


Notes by Siddharth Kudumula


We started our class with prayers and we recapped last week’s story and RAW.


There was once a girl named Harshi, who was nine years old from a small village. She finished  elementary school in her village.She got accepted to go to fifth grade in a big city. She was super happy to go to new school.  On her first day of fifth grade, she got on the big yellow bus and she sat quietly. Everyone chatted and some were pointing at her and some whispering. When she reached the school, she didn’t know which was her classroom and she asked her fellow classmates and they told her. When the class began the teacher started passing out the test. Harshi looked at her paper and the question was what are the seven world wonders? Harshi started writing. Harshi asked her teacher there are so many world wonders, which one can I pick?  Then, Harshi submitted her test and the teacher read everyone’s answers. Some people wrote the Colosseum, the Taj Mahal, the Great Wall Of China, Christ The Redeemer, Machu Picchu, Chichen Itza, and Petra. The teacher read Harshi’s answer “The seven wonders are to be able to see, to be able to hear, to be able to feel, to be able to laugh, to think, to be kind and to love.” The teacher was shocked and the whole class was speechless. Harshi reminded the whole class about the precious gifts that they have.


Each day sit still for five minutes without moving.

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