October 26, 2022
Notes by Ambika Mishra
Last week, we talked about humility, and how it was the antidote to ego, We listened to a short story about a girl who was drowning, and a man who pushes others out of the way and intervened to save the girl. Later on, he faints, and realizes the person he pushed out of the way was actually a doctor, and could of taken care of the situation with the girl without him intervening. The man asked why the other man said nothing when he intervened and pushed him out of the way, and he replies his ego was not important, only helping the girl was. This shows how we need to make sure not to fall victim to our ego, and not let it get in the way of our lives.
Last week’s reflection adventure of the week was to do one kind thing every day to somebody randomly, without taking any credit. Giving to others made us more content overall, and the contentment was more long lasting. Giving to others without expecting anything is also a good way to practice humility.
This week, our story related to the four minute mile. Originally, people thought running a four minute mile was impossible for the human body to accomplish, and that it was simply not scientifically possible. Even people who got extremely close, only a second away from breaking the four minute mile, eventually gave up due to thinking it was impossible. Then, one day, a man named Roger Bannister broke the four minute mile at the age of 25. After he accomplished it, other people realized it was possible, and no less than 6 weeks later, more people were able to break the record as well. Eventually, someone even ran faster than Roger Bannister. This story shows that it is not about physical strength, but mindset holding you back. As soon as Roger Bannister was able to break the record, people immediately realised that it was indeed possible and they ran with the mindset that they could do it. Roger Bannister did not keep himself in boundaries, and as he ran, he believed in himself. This story tells us how we have to be able to persevere in life and not give up. Other people had ran exactly 4 minutes, and if they had persevered, they could of accomplished the feat too. In the same way, Roger Bannister had to practice for a very long tim before finally being able to break the record. All people make mistakes, and even great scientists failed over and over before being able to make their discoveries. We should also not give up and persevere at new things.
For our activity, we did fifty squats and while doing them, had the mindset that it was possible. Because of this, doing the squats felt easier to do and were done with a more positive attitude.
This week’s RAW is to be still/meditate for 10 minutes, and for each day, meditate for one extra minute.