Happiness Is Finding Unity in Diversity

April 19, 2023

Notes by Aarya Mishra


Last week, we talked about 2 friends, Shanti and Jodi. Shanti wanted to buy a doll from a shop. Jodi’s brother was sick, and her family needed money to buy medicine. So both of the friends sold garlands and earned some money. But Jodi hadn’t earned enough. So, Shanti gave Jodi her money, even though she had really wanted to buy the doll. Later, Jodi left a package at her house. Inside the package was the doll she’d wanted. We learnt from this story that being a good friend means giving the best of ourselves. That also means that you don’t expect anything in return. For example, when we are hungry, do we consider whether we should eat or not? No! We just instantly give ourselves food. And then, do we tell our bodies that they have to give something in return? No! We should do the same with friends.Sumanji said being a good friend means to ACT. ACT means:

A: Acceptance without judging

C: Challenging others to be their best self by being your best self.

T: Trust, and don’t suspect.

Last week’s RAW was planting a tree. We did this to forge a relationship with Mother Earth. Trees are the reason humans are alive. They give us oxygen and fruit. They are a perfect example of ACT.


Once, there was an elephant and a monkey, living in a forest. Both thought that they were superior to the other. Every day, they quarreled over who was the better animal. One day, an owl, who had been listening to them fight, got fed up and flew up to them. He said to them that  they could have a competition, and whoever won would be declared superior. The other will admit they were wrong, and agree that the other animal is superior. Both animals agreed. So, the owl told them their challenge. “Beyond this forest, on the other side of a raging river, is a tree with golden fruit. The first person to bring the fruit to me first will win.” Lots of animals swarmed the area to watch the competition.

As it started, the monkey gracefully lept from tree to tree, while the elephant ran through the forest, uprooting trees, and trampling plants. Then the trees instantly gave way to a river, which the monkey instantly jumped into and began swimming. But the current swept him away. Meanwhile, the elephant easily crossed to the other bank, but then saw the monkey. Reaching out with its trunk, it pulled the monkey out of the water. Then, the elephant told the monkey to ride on its back, and it would take them to the tree. Grateful, the monkey agreed. Soon they reached the tree. The elephant tried to get the fruit but it was too high, and the tree was too heavy to uproot. So, the monkey climbed up the tree and returned with the fruit. Elated, the duo returned, the monkey carrying the fruit, and the elephant carrying the monkey.

Seeing them, the owl opened its beak to announce the winner, but the duo quickly stopped him.”We have both won,” they said, “for it was a team effort.”


Do you want to be happy, loved, and respected? You probably do. Now, do you think everyone is different, or the same? That is a trick question. Because everybody is the same, but so different at the same time. For example, do you know how rainbows are made? Science tells us that rainbows are actually just one color, white light, which is created by the sun. Raindrops act as a prism to this light, splitting it up into different sections, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple, along with other colors that the human eye cannot see. So they look different, but they are the same. We are the same way. We all have different bodies, likes, dislikes, thoughts, but in the end, we are all humans, people, creatures. So, we are different and the same at the same time. We can celebrate others differences, by reminding ourselves we are the same people, people who want to be happy, loved, and respected.


This week’s RAW is that whenever you meet someone, think of one thing you have in common with them. Think of something deeper than ‘we are both human’, or ‘we are both the same gender. ‘


Notes by Naami Deo


Shanti and Jody were best friends. Jody really wanted a doll from a store. They made garlands to get money for the doll.  Shanti could not help Jody to sell the garlands, because her brother was sick and they did not have money for his medicine. Then Jody gave the money that she earned from selling the garlands for the medicine, instead of getting the doll. The next day, when Jody had money to buy the doll, she went to the store, but the doll wasn’t there. Later that evening, she got a gift from Shanti and her brother and it was the doll . The lesson of the story is: friendship is about giving without expecting anything in return. We give the best of ourselves. 


A monkey and an elephant always fought over who is better. The owl always had to hear it. One day the owl said, “I have a challenge to see once for all, who is better.” The elephant and monkey asked about the challenge. Owl took out a map showing that they must go past the river, forest, and the tall tree to get the golden fruit. The first one to return with the golden fruit will be the best. 

The monkey and elephant ran through the forest, to the river and the monkey said that this would be easy and jumped into the river to swim to the other side. However, the current was too strong and the monkey was getting pushed away by the current. Just then the elephant got in and picked the monkey with his trunk placing him back on the other side. The monkey was surprised. Later, they got all the way to the tall tree. The elephant could not reach the golden fruit, so the monkey said, “We could work together, to get the fruit.” When they came back, the owl was about to mention the winner. Suddenly, the money and elephant stopped him and said that they both are the winners. 


One should not have a big ego and work together rather than fight. We are different and the same. For example, the rainbow has different colors, but they are white light. So relationships are difficult and remembering we are the same: ACT – Accept, Challenge to uplift  and Trust. 


Think about what you have in common with everyone you meet and write it down.  Plant a tree if you didn’t do it last week. 

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