Happiness Is Eating Sustainably

March 29, 2023

Notes by Kirtish Sivakumaran

This week, the class was run by Sapna Akka, our special guest. She came to teach us about healthy eating and tell us some ways to avoid wasting food. 

We started the class by closing our eyes and pretending it was a special day, ex: birthday or some sort of party. We were supposed to think and draw out what we would want to eat on that day on a piece of paper. Then we guessed how much, out of a 100% greenhouse gas came from food. We learned that 26% of greenhouse gas came from food. So, we need to keep track or watch what we eat. How do we do this? One way to start is to reduce packaging, ex: plastic bags, and non-reusable stuff. We can use reusable bags instead of non-reusable ones and we could help the environment. Another way is instead of choosing the super-small- really-tiny bags at the snack store, we could choose a REALLY BIG HUGE BAG and not waste all those tiny little non-reusable bags. 

Second way we can help is by our eating. We could eat more things that are from mother Earth and are not processed foods. Things that are from Mother Earth give more energy than things that are processed. That is how to keep ourself and mother Earth healthy. 

Next, we learned about food miles. That is how far food has to travel before it reaches our plate. Sometimes food even travels more than 40,000 miles. It is important to get food from your local town or city because food traveling on planes contributes to more greenhouse gasses.


Notes by Viyom Mistry


First, we did opening prayers. Then we went over the RAW. The RAW was spending 10 minutes outside the house.


We talked about the nature of trying to make less waste.

1- Do not buy packaged food, buy natural food (vegetables and fruits).

2- Buy a huge package of it, instead of doing 1 by 1.

3- The food from California to Massachusetts is 3,100 miles away, and the planes pollute the air. Eat locally.

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