Happiness Is Being Decisive

May 10, 2023

Notes by Naami Deo


Shankar ji gave tips on overcoming boredom. She shared a story where Sanjaya became interested in doing puja by imagining monsters and gods fighting when the diya was blown off. Ways to overcome boredom is to observe and find meaning.


A girl who could do anything in the world. All she had to do was choose something and focus. One day she began to paint. Every stroke was more perfect than the last. When she finished the painting it was a flawless masterpiece. She stared proudly and smiled. It was obvious to the stars and clouds who were always watching her that she had a gift. She was an artist – she felt it too in every fiber of herself. 

Later, she started feeling anxious that she was just spending her time moving the paint around on the paper. She felt that there is so much more to do and try in the world and she was wasting time in painting. Then she started walking and did not notice the signal from the stars and clouds. Could she design buildings? Could she practice medicine or something else? Twenty five years later she was still walking and began to cry. Over the years she was so caught up by everything she could do and she had not done anything meaningful. Life is not only about possibilities and it is about deciding. Deciding to do something moves you. So she bought some canvases and paint and at a park began to paint with one stroke at a time, just as she did so long ago. She painted smiling from day into the night. She had finally made the decision and there was time to feel the magic of life. 


So you think so you become. Keep thinking about what you love doing and explore and as you are exploring and don’t allow yourself to be bored. The universe will conspire to support you in what you love and all will benefit from it. Your life and what you are is the universe’s gift to you and what you do with that gift is a gift you give to everyone else. The best gift to give that universe and others is what you love to do and give back. 


Think about two traits a good person would have and pick one trait to use for one day

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