Guru and Disciple

Summary of last session (March 11) by Shri Mohan Khandekar

Shri Vijayji started the session by describing the eminence of Shri Shankarcharya.  At a very young age, while working on Prasthantraya (प्रस्थानत्रय), He passed on the deep knowledge of the scriptures. His importance and greatness is only appreciated by high levels of Vedantis (वेदान्ति). By establishing four Mathas, He not only propagated the message of Advait Vedanta but also revived Sanatan Dharma.  He was not only Guru but Bhagvan as well! Similarly in Ramcharit Manas, Guru and Bhagvan are placed on the same pedestal. This was clearly seen in 79:2, when Parvati refused the proposal of going against wishes of Her Guru Naradji, even though her body perishes.  While discussing 79:4, Vijayji directed our attention to Chapter 16, Verse 23 of Geeta, where Shri Krishna delivers similar message:

य: शास्त्रविधिमुत्सृज्य वर्तते कामकारत: |न स सिद्धिमवाप्नोति न सुखं न परां गतिम् || 23||Those who act under the impulse of desire, ignoring scriptures and Guru attain neither perfection nor the happiness, nor the supreme Goal in life. 80:1 “If you would have met me before Naradji, I would have considered you as my Guru but now I am helpless” Parvati says to Saptarishis. “Good and bad qualities are part of every personality.  Even though, Shivji has many negative characters, I am not concerned. I am firm on my resolve”, Parvati further declares. 80:2 Parvati challenges Saptarishis to pursue other unmarried girls if they are so interested. 80:3 She is firm on her decision to marry Shivji.  “No matter how many births I have to take, I will marry Him”, she proclaims. 80:4 Saptarishis were quite impressed by Parvati’s determination. They hailed her as Jagatjanani (


Doha 81: They call Shivji as Father (Ishwar) and Parvati as Mother (Maya) before departing. 

81:1 Parvati returns home and the story of this incredible determination was narrated to Shivji.

81:2 Shivji was pleased to hear the story and went into the deep meditation of Shri Ram (समाधी). Vijayji reminded us that this story is not about husband-wife relationship. Shivji was extremely delighted because a Guru found a perfect disciple! 

81:3 Upon performing arduous penance, Tarakasur receives a boon from Brahamji that he will be immortal. By virtue of his strength, he was ruling over the Devatas. Here Vijayji explained difference between Asur and Devta. Unlike Asuras, Devtaas acknowledge Bhagvan.

81:4 Devtaas could not not conquer Tarkasur because of the boon.  They approach Brahmaji and request for His help. 

Doha 82 Brahmaji presented them with a solution. “When born, Shivji’s son will fight and destroy Tarakasur and your miseries will disappear forever” Brahmaji assures Devtaas. 

Jai Shree Ram

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