Glory of Guru!

Shri Vijayji started his talk with Guru Geeta, Glory of the Guru and importance of Guru charan pooja.

The feet of Guru are compared to the lotus, which is considered to be a special flower. He further analysed the word Anuraga (अनुराग) and how devotion to the Guru helps to remove attachment to worldly objects.

He also explained the deep meaning behind the words: Raj (रज), Vibhuti(विभूती), Tilak(तिलक) and upasana(उपासना).

In subsequent Dohas Sant Tulsidasji describes Guru mahima (महिमा). He teaches us how Guru bhakti (गुरुभक्ती) will help to remove the darkness of ignorance and replace it with light of knowledge by giving example of nayan anjan(काजल)

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