Giver or Getter?

Notes by Sanna Luthra

Always focus on giving, rather than getting. One of the biggest givers in life is nature. Take the sun as an example, the sun always gives us vitamin c, but do we give anything to the sun? No, we don’t. Be like nature, always give, but never get, nor be greedy.


There was a lady who was very hungry. She came across a mango tree, and hit the mango with a rock, assuming that it would fall, and she could eat it. Sadly, instead of the woman hitting the mango, she accidentally hit a king with a rock. You would assume the king would send her to prison right away, but instead, he gave the poor woman a lot of food and let her go. As you could see in this story, the kind king was a giver, and not a getter.


Our practice in class, was to answer a few simple and complex questions:

Q. What always answers, but never asks questions?

A. A phone.

Q. What loses its head in the morning, but gets it back at night?

A. A pillow.

Q. You can serve me, but never eat me. What am I?

A. I am a tennis ball.

Q. What always flies around, but never goes anywhere?

A. A flag.

Q. I am a fruit, a bird and a person. What and who am I?

A. I am a Kiwi.

Question and Answer Session:

Q. What are some time management tips?

A. 5 time management tips: Sleep early, then wake up early, then study early, then exercise early and lastly, forgive early.

Q. What the king (in todays story) did to the woman (gave her food and let her go, instead of her sending her to prison), out of sincerity or pride?

A. The king did this kindness act out of sincerity. He knew there are people who starve in his kingdom, and he wanted to help them, so this was one way of helping his kingdom.

Q. How do you know when you have found your purpose in life?

One way to know when you have found your purpose in life, is to stop caring about what you get. You care and are happy about your inner self. You wouldn’t need or care about external things. Another way is, you feel the best and the happiest ever about yourself. For example, if you play a sport, and you are not feeling the best of you come out, then that is not your sport. If you try another sport, and you feel your best self comes out, then that is your sport.

Q. How do you stop procrastinating, and start motivating yourself?

When you keep procrastinating your homework, work, cleaning your room etc., the weight and reminder about doing all those things is heavier on you. Use a planner, write down what you need to do, and when it is due. Then, it will be in your mind and not out of your mind. Start doing this NOW, stop procrastinating NOW, remove that negative quality from yourself, because then if you do not change that NOW, it will continue until it might be too late.

R.A.M (Reflection Adventure of the Month):

When special occasions occur such as Navratri, ask for advice, not external gifts (watches, phones, money etc.). For example, instead of asking for a new art kit, ask others on how you can be a better person.


Notes by Sidh Sridhar

There once was a hungry woman. She saw that here was a mango tree and part of it was outside the fencing of the house. So the woman picked up a stone and threw it at the tree hoping it would hit a mango for her to eat. The stone missed and hit somebody who screamed. She was taken by two people to the man who was named Ranjeeth singh. Ranjeet singh was a raja (a king). The guards pushed her and asked her sternly why she threw the stone at the king. As she told her story to the king with blood all over his head. He responded with a surprising answer. He asked the guards to feed the woman and let her be free. The guards were surprised and tried to know why he let her go free. The king told them that if a mango tree could give her food and as a king if he punished her then that means that he(king) is less than the tree.

Virtue: There is more happiness in giving than getting

Vivekji asked are we happy if we give more or when we get more than we give. The example that gives the most but doesn’t take anything is nature. Vivekji told us to be in nature.

Practice: Riddles!

#1 What needs an answer but does not ask a question?

A: Phone

#2 what loses its head in the morning but gets it back in the night?

A: pillow

#3 You can serve me but never eat me. What am I?

A: tennis ball

#4 I fly around all day but never go anywhere. What am I?

A: flag

#5 I am a fruit, a bird and a person. What am I?

A: Kiwi

Question and Answer Session:

Q: Do you have any time management tips?

A: 5 time managements tips

  1. Sleep early
  2. Wake early
  3. Study early
  4. Exercise early
  5. Forgive early

Q: Was Ranjeeth singh prideful like karna when he gave the woman food?

A: Ranjeeth singh did this out of sincerity.

Q: How do you know when you found your purpose in life?

A: Vivekji found his purpose in his 20’s. When you find your purpose you stop caring about what you get and particularly what other people think about you.

Q: How do you stop procrastinating?

A: Mental baggage is how you feel about work. Finish your homework while the mental baggage is light. If you wait to finish homework, the mental baggage is higher because of the thoughts in your mind about that homework. Use a planner.

R.A.M(Reflection adventure of the month): ask for less things and more advice during festivals.

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