Giver or Getter?

Notes by Aarav Luthra

A hungry young lady was looking for something to eat. She came across a mango tree and decided to throw a rock at the tree hoping to get a mango. Instead, the rock hit the king. Rather than placing her in prison, the king decided to give her lots of food. The moral of the story is to be a giver rather than a getter.

Nature is the biggest giver. For example the sun keeps giving but what do we give back to the sun? Nothing. The more you give the more you get. When I am in nature, I feel more natural.

Practice: Riddles

Q -What needs an answer but doesn’t need a question?

A- phone

Q -It loses its head in the morning but gets back at night?

A- pillow

Q -You can serve me but never eat me?

A- tennis ball

Q -I fly around but never go anywhere?

A- flag

Q -I am a fruit, bird and a person?

A -Kiwi

Question & Answer Session —

Q — What if we are not a giver but a getter?

Start practicing giving. Start giving resources, time and effort. For example, start giving your birthday gifts. Your mind will become quieter.

Q — There is so much pending work in online learning. What will help me be organized?

Everyone is going through the same including teachers. Don’t be so hard on yourself; Go to sleep early and keep a planner.

Q — Is it okay to feel nervous with COVID?

It is okay to be nervous. Your parents know about the virus and have you safe.

Q — Should I be really cautious because I am going in person?

Yes, you should definitely be more cautious. You must wear a mask and wash your hands.Trust your parents.


Ask for less articles (eg. games and toys) and more advice on celebrations. An example of advice you can ask for is how can you be more organized and courageous.


Notes by Aarya Mishra

There was a woman that lived in a village. She was very poor and did not get much food. She always had a hungry feeling in her stomach. One day, while walking around she came across a mango tree. She saw that it was inside a compound but its branches stretched further across that compound. She saw a rock on the ground and picked it up and threw it hoping that it would hit a branch and a mango would fall down. Instead, it fell inside the barrier and she heard a scream. She was very scared because she knew that she had hurt someone. 2 Security guards came rushing and grabbed that girl. Then they took her inside the barrier and she saw that there was a man inside the barrier with his head bleeding from the rock.

The man asked her, “Why did you throw that rock at me?”. She said, “I am so hungry, I didn’t mean to harm you. I just was trying to get a mango.” The security guards were mad, but, the man said, “Release her”,and give her lots of food”. Then, she realised, that that man was the king of that village.The security guards released her, and gave her many kinds of food. She thanked the king, and went home happy. The security guards were confused. They asked the king, “Why did you release her? She hurt you, you are bleeding!!”

The king said, “If she hit the tree she would get food, so if she hit me and I did not give her food, I would be less than a tree.”

  • True happiness lies in giving not in getting.
  • We should practice being a giver not a getter.


We did some riddles for practice!.

Q -What needs an answer but not a question?

A -Phone.

Q -It loses its head in the morning, but gets it back at night. What am I?

A -Pillow.

Q -You can serve me but cannot eat me. What am I?

A -A tennis ball.

Q -I fly around all day but never go anywhere. What am I?

A -Flag.

Q -I am a fruit, a bird, and a person. What am I?

A -Kiwi.


Q — Why can we not say bhajans in the bathroom?

Vivekji said that he had a picture of Lord Krishna in his bathroom. Someone asked him why did he keep a picture of Bhagwan in there. Vivekji told him that if god is present everywhere then does it really matter if he kept a picture in his bathroom? It doesn’t matter if you have a picture of god in your bathroom, because he is everywhere.


The reflection of the month is to ask for less articles, and ask for more advice. That means ask for less toys, game and things like that, and ask for more advice.

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