

It’s that time of the month where Vivekji visits us every month! This month we talked about kindness and generosity.

Story Time!

Karna was a wealthy man who was known to be great for his generosity. One day he was training and later after that training, he was resting and treating his wounds after being hit by a couple arrows. Krishna wanted to test Karna’s generosity if he really was great for that quality. Sri Krishna took form of a poor man, then asked Karna: “You look like a wealthy man, may I please have some money?” Karna straight away, very quickly, gave the poor man a gold pot full of oil that he was treating his wounds with. Krishna saw something when Karna offered him the pot. Karna had given the pot with his left hand. Krishna asked why he had done that, and Karna replied, “I gave the pot quickly with my left hand, before I quickly had any negative thought of not giving the pot to you, so I didn’t have enough time to change hands, while the pot was already on my left side.”


Generosity is good when you are doing it when asked, but it is great when you do it withouht asking or negative thoughts.


Monthly Riddles with Vivekji!


Q: Why is Europe like a frying pan?

A: Because it has “Greece” at the bottom!


Q: How do you spell cow with 13 letters?

A: “see-o-double-you”


Q: Why was Tigger excited to be going to the bathroom?

A: Because he wanted to see his friend Pooh!


Q: A logician had time to go for a haircut in his small town. There were only 2 barbers in the small town. The first barber was very messy, and his shop was untidy. While the second barber had a nice haircut and clean shop. Why did the smart logician choose the first barber?

A: Since there was only 2 barbers in town, both the barbers needed to have a haircut. So, the first barber was working harder by cutting the other barber’s hair.


This month’s RAM= Shh! Don’t tell your parents, let’s see if they can figure out you this week’s RAM! Help someone with tasks without being asked, and let’s see if they can see a difference!


Notes by Vastavi Choudhari


Practices we did —

  • September 2020 — Be in nature more.
  • October 2020 — Visualize that there is a rope tied with your hands and head.
  • November 2020 — To think if something is bothering you, think if that will matter in one year.
  • December 2020 — Get attention from yourself.

Karna (Danaveer)

Why is Karna called Danveer?

Karna is called Danveer because he is always giving to people he never thinks he just gives, and Lord Krishna always liked to test him because he wanted to show the world his generosity.

Story 1

One day Karna was practicing, he finished and was putting oil on his muscles. That is when Lord Krishna came disguised as a poor person and asked him to help him with money, right away Karna picked up the bowl that had oil in it and gave it to the poor man. Then the poor man said that in our culture we give things using the right hand but you gave it with your left hand, Why? Karna replied, If I had changed my hand, the thought of me wanting to give you the bowl would have gone away and I would have not given you the bowl which I would have not liked.

Story 2

In this story Lord Krishna gives Arjuna and Karna each a golden mountain, then he disguised himself as a poor man and first went to Arjuna and asked, can you help me? I am poor. Arjuna replied back, here is a hammer and you can take out a chunk of gold from this mountain. When he went to Karna and asked the same thing, Karna replied by giving him his whole mountain.

The moral of both of these stories is to give without thinking and don’t hesitate about giving.


How can I keep up with my school and assignments?

Keep a dry erase board that you write all the assignments and classes and other important things so that you can remember them and not forget.

RAM (Reflection Adventure of the Week)

You have to be more generous and your parents have to notice but you can not tell them directly.

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