Fulfilling Responsibilities

Week 3 (9/28/2022)

Notes by: Abhir Naik


  • Happiness/Joy ≠ pleasure
  • Any moments of pleasure are temporary quietude of mind 
  • Happiness = permanent quietude of mind
  • Joy is tied to relative state of quietude of mind
  • How do I reach a state of mental quietude more often, eventually permanently?
    • Bhagavan Krishna’s answer → Mental quietude is tied to purity of mind
    • A mind which is totally absorbed → quietude of mind
      • State of flow
      • Just doing what you’re doing and can’t notice thoughts that are in our mind because we are so focused
  • Happiness = ability to enter a state of flow without needing external factors 
    • Example – why don’t we play video games and get totally absorbed?
      • We develop dependency on video games, an external factor, to bring us to a state of flow. This is just pleasure. Goal is to enter a state of flow without external factors.

Class of 9/28

  • If you want purity of mind, Krishna says
    • Fulfill your responsibilities, do what needs to be done without worrying about results at the end. Do karma yoga
    • Path to happiness is through unselfish action(right action)
  • What is wrong action?
    • Right vs wrong is a discussion of morality, what is the purpose of morality?
      • We judge an action as right vs wrong depending on whether said action brings not only us, but those around us, closer or further away from happiness
  • What is purity of mind?
    • When mind is not agitated
  • Selfish Action making plan
    • Outside influences → likes and dislikes
    • Desire/Want shaped thought
    • Why would I engage in any intentional action?
    • Action
    • Reinforces likes and dislikes
  • Selfish actions reinforce the strength of likes/dislikes which make our mind more agitated because we are now not able to control our thoughts. When we minimize our likes/dislikes, our mind becomes closer to purity
  • Responsibilities
    • Voluntary
      • Responsibilities we take upon ourselves, hold ourselves accountable
    • Involuntary
      • Societal expectations expected of us
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