Follow his teachings

ViBha Class Notes: September 18, 2022

This first prayer shares that the Only One who can help us finally from this sense of incompleteness or dis-ease is Shri Krshna, is a Higher Presence.

The second prayer which forms the first verse of the 18,000 verses of Shrimad Bhagavata is sharing that the way to feel Shri Krshna is through contemplation. Our whole life should be training in how to contemplate so that we feel Divinity.

This second verse of Shrimad Bhagavata teaches us how to prepare for contemplation and that is through Dharma. Everyone has specific responsibilities and when they follow their specific responsibilities, their minds become quiet and they start to feel more happy. The word Krshna itself means that which attracts, and what is most attractive in a person is how happy they are. We can be around someone most beautiful or handsome, but once they open their mouth and we feel their anxiety or sadness, they become less attractive then.

Last week, Vivekji shared with us a visualization of looking up and seeing the trunks of diverse trees. Though the trunks are different, the roots are not. The same root system can nurture diverse trees. Sharing this in a different way, we are all different expressions: some are taller, some shorter, some speak very loudly, and some don’t speak at all. Yet, the energy that facilitates all these expressions are the same. Even nature and science are leading us to a unity in creation, that there is only advaita, but who actually feels that?

The vision of Shrimad Bhagavata is for one to forget about themselves, to forget that we are separate. The word Bhagavata itself means to belong to. We are flowing through this map to feel that we belong to the Divine, but this feeling will only come if we follow these teachings.

We are presently in the eleventh section or skanda, and this section is known as the head of Srimad Bhagavata because we have to make this a priority, especially because we know that Bhagavan Krshna is going to become unmanifest. His form and name are going to vanish. We have to use our heads and prioritize His life and teachings, and these are encapsulated in the Upadesa of the Nava (nine) Yogis. Upadesa means advice, and this is called the Nava Yogi Upadesa.

Q1: What is Kshema? — What is the greatest good for the greatest? The seeker asks the Rshi — What is the greatest good for humanity? What can humanity do that is best for them?

The Rshi answers — Dharma or for them to follow their responsibilities. If everyone followed their responsibilities, no one would need to fight for their rights. Everyone’s rights would be met and fulfilled, but when there are irresponsible people, then the fight for rights has to happen. So the greatest good is following our dharma, and specifically it is to have the vision that all we do, we do for Bhagavan. And within that, we should start with specific doings that we engage in life, like we shower for Bhagavan, we eat for Bhagavan, we drive for Bhagavan, we parent for Bhagavan, we garden for Bhagavan, we make money for Bhagavan and we keep expanding this. And we will know we are following through with this, when it is no longer about doing, but all that we are, is for Bhagavan. First we give Bhagavan what we do with our mind, and the evolution of that is to give Bhagavan our mind.

Q2: What is Linga? — What are the characteristics of those who are following their Dharma? How does one know if they are flowing through their responsibilities with dedication?

The Rshi answers — Bhava (feeling). They feel that all of their experiences are infused with Divinity. So when it rains, it is because of Bhagavan. When it doesn’t rain, it is because of Bhagavan as well. The Rshi answers more specifically that those who are most evolved, feel Divinity in all. Those who are less evolved, feel the Divinity in some, and those who are least evolved, are those that feel none are Divine, other than murthis.

Q3: What is Maya?

The Rshi answers — Sarja, means creation. Why? Maya is when we are experiencing creation, but we forget the Creator of that creation. That is the effect of Maya. This question is specifically asked because the seeker knows that Maya belongs to Bhagavan. We don’t like Maya but since Maya is associated with Bhagavan, we want to know about Maya as well. If we follow the trail of Maya, we will find who Maya belongs to. Don’t get caught up in Maya; don’t make matters personal.

Q4: What is Taranti? Taranti is that which helps us to cross. Maya is typically described as a body of water or ocean. So how do we cross over maya?

The answer given is — Prapadyeta. Prapadyeta is when we put one hand on the feet of our Sadguru, and one hand underneath their feet. The one on top is so that they don’t leave us, and the one below is so we don’t leave them. The way to rise above Maya, rise above this ego is to serve a Master. So what makes one a Master? We can study a lot of Master classes online. A Master is one who is devoted to Bhagavan, and if we are devoted to our Master, then we won’t get trapped.

Q5: Who is Narayana?

The Rshi shares — Ahetu, the One who is causeless. This means that Bhagavan Narayana has not been caused, and He also doesn’t cause. We all feel that we are an effect, but if the answer is Bhagavan never caused an effect, then who are we really? WE are Narayana. The question should be who is not Narayana. It is not possible to not be Narayana. That forgetfulness is very deep, so how do we remember to live as Existence-Awareness-Joy? We should be light-footed as someone who is light-footed is better for the environment. That is what it means to live by Existence, to not harm the environment. We should be light hearted, that is to live as Awareness, that if someone is being rude to us, maybe they are having a bad day, and to not be shaken by that. And to live by Joy is to live light-headed. We are always reflecting on if we can be happier. What do we do to be happy? We do a lot of that when it comes to money, politics, but in regards to Joy, the more light-footed, light-hearted and light-headed we are, the more we are tuned into Narayana.

Q6: What is Shuddhata? — What is purity? How do we purify ourselves so we feel we are Narayana?

The Rshi shares — Yoga. There are many yogas, but smiling is the real yoga. The more pure we become, the more we feel that Joy. Fortunately, there are many paths in Sanatana Dharma, like Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Karma Yoga, as there are many personalities. When we follow a path that resonates with our personality, we will feel more pure, and we will feel that we are more than our body, more than our mind. We will feel that Presence.

Q7: What is Avatara? Avatara is the way of life.

The answer given is — Sthapana. It means to establish, to balance. Those who study and follow Bhagavan’s map, that is how Bhagavan re-establishes Dharma. We have these magical notions that Bhagavan will come as a puppeteer and move us around, but it is really those who study and follow dharma, they are part of the Sthapana — to bring balance to the world and humanity.

In Skanda 10, before Bhagavan Krshna’s birth, there was a premonition about Bhagavan’s birth and part of that premonition was — Why is He being born? Srimad Bhagavata teaches us that He is born to bless, just bless all of us. He didn’t even come to balance anything. He just came to bless. He blessed the people who tried to kill Him, the people who danced with Him. How do we know we are blessed? When we have guidance in our life. Do we know those who are going through a tough time in their life? Quite often, they are going through a tough time because they do not have guidance in their life. They don’t have someone who will listen to them and be objective with them. They are lacking Grace or Kipa in their life. If we have guidance in our life, the source of that is Grace.

Q8: What is Kama? — What is desire?

The Rshi answers — Patanti, to fall. Desire is that which makes us fall from our responsibilities. And what does falling feel like specifically? Being busy. If we had a busy day, busy week, busy month or busy year, we shouldn’t think it is because we have so many things to do, but it is because of kama. Desiring so many things, we get trapped in the relative, and there is no bandwidth to focus on anything more important.

Q9: What is Puja?

The answer given is — Sankirtana. Kirtana means to sing and Sankirtana means to sing inside. We are not singing for anyone, but we are only singing for our Bhagavan. The singing that we are talking about is Japa — “Om Namah Shivaya”, “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya”. That is Sankirtana. Is there a more beautiful or less beautiful Japa? It depends on us, on our passion. And what is special about Kaliyuga? In this age of speed, there are less conditions on Sadhana. See how gracious Bhagavan is! He knows that the more useless we become, He has less expectations of us.

This whole Upadesha from the Nava Yogis is summarized with –

devarsi-bhutapta-nrnam pitrnam

na kinkaro nayam rni cha rajan

The Rshi’s share that if we follow this Upadesa, then we are no longer a servant to anyone. We no longer owe (rna) anyone. If we follow this Upadesa, what we will feel is freedom. One is not externally, nor internally owing anyone. “Na bandah” because there is Mukti. One is free!

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