
June 17, 2020

Notes by Arjun Patel


This class we learned about distractions. When we are distracted, our brain is in many places at one time. To get rid of distractions, you have to be able to focus. Focusing means to think only about the task at hand.


Dronacharya was the teacher of the Pandavas. One day, he put a wooden crow on a tree stump. There are 3 students that are going to try to shoot an arrow into the crow’s eye. He asks the first student “What do you see?” The first student says “I see the trees, the branches, the crow, and the stump.” This student shoots the arrow and misses badly. Dronacharya asks the same question to the next student. He says “I see the crow’s wings, the crow’s legs, and the tree stump.” This student shoots the arrow and hits the tree stump. Finally, Dronacharya asks the same question to Arjuna. Arjuna says “I see only the crow’s eye.” He shoots and hits the crow’s eye with the arrow. The moral of this story is: When you focus you can get things done.


To be focused, you have to remove all of the distractions from the room that you are in. You have to only be thinking about what you are doing. Why is it so difficult for us to be focused? There is a chemical in our brain called Dopamine that is released when you sense joy in the future. It is also released when you do drugs or gambling. This same chemical comes out when we look at devices. Dopamine makes tasks we don’t like harder. We have to get off screens to help us focus. We have to treat focus like a muscle and practice it every day.

Practice: Whenever you eat, chew super slowly and count how many times you chew. This will keep us focused on only eating and doing one thing at a time.


Notes by Sanna Luthra

Recap of Lesson #2 (Anger):

-anger arises when something does not go our way

-virtue to overcome anger is acceptance

-see positive in the change


-negative habit of getting distracted

-overcome distractions by the virtue: FOCUSING

-Focus has ability to think on only ONE task

Story: Mahabharat

-story’s message, Arjun only FOCUSED only on the wooden crows eyes and shot it (with his arrow) exactly accurate, others did not and they were not even close to being accurate. This was because he ONLY FOCUSED on his aiming point.

Techniques to focus:

-Remove ALL distractions from work space

-While doing that task, say this in your mind, “I will do only that ONE task at hand!”

Cause of getting distracted:

-You get distracted because you do not want to do that task


-Chemical released in your brain when we predict joy or happiness in your future

-Dopamine makes you desire something when you see it and know you want it

-It releases a pleasurable feeling, a wonderful and exciting, joyful feeling which distracts you from being focused

-Also releases in brain when people do drugs

-Also released when we look at a device that gives you notifications

-chemical makes it difficult to focus on your “boring” tasks

-overcome it by mainly making an outstanding effort to limit screen time any way possible

R.A.W./Practice for the week: Chew slowly. Count how many times you chew.

Purpose of doing this practice: Practicing FOCUSING on ONLY ONE thing, eating.

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