Five types of Faith

Subodha Vedanta Class Notes – March 3, 2024

In Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, Bhagavan Krshna shares multiple times – Yah pashyati, sah pashyati. Yah means the one who. Backing this is a list of qualities – they are patient, faithful. Only when one is like this, then sah – they will be able to see. This seeing is based on insight. We all see the rainbow over Niagara falls, but we all have the insight that we cannot touch or grab it. So now we are flowing through this universal prayer and our affirmation is –

May we be safe. May we enjoy. May we exert. May we shine. 

Now the fifth affirmation in this prayer that is most relevant – Let us close our eyes, rewind to the past week and feel the lowest part of this week when we felt the most dejected, anxious or stressed. Now let us bring up the face of the person that caused that to us and now let us open our eyes and smile. 

The hardest part of living is relationships, whether it is a spouse, or a grandchild, or a neighbor or a teacher. So that is why we chant – Maa vidhvishaavahai. Maa is not and vidhvishaavahai is conflict, quarrel or misunderstanding. So the last affirmation is – May we not not understand (not misunderstand) each other. May we understand, most of all our intention. And the last part of this prayer is – Shanti Shanti Shantih – Peace. So the prayer states –

May we be safe.  S

May we enjoy.       E

May we exert.      E

May we shine. S

May we understand. U

Peace! P

So SEES UP is the acronym! This prayer helps us to see up so that we reach that which is higher. 

Our Sunday morning classes have thus far had the themes of humility (Ramayana), surrender (Bhagavata) and now clarity (Subodha Vedanta). Subodha Vedanta is an introductory Map. We need clarity to ensure that we apply what we know, apply humility, apply surrender, rather than theorize it. 

Chapter 1 of Subodha Vedanta – Invocation. In a sacred science, we ask for help first and we ask for help from the One who can give us that help, meaning Bhagavan. 

Chapter 2 – Disciple. There are nine qualities that make a disciple. The first quality traditionally is Viveka, and in a practical sense, it is prioritization. When we prioritize, we become more organized. Prioritization pulls organization. If we look at our lifestyle, whatever we do not prioritize, we tend to be disorganized with that. 

Chapter 3 – Guide. A Guide has nine plus seven qualities, so they are the distinguished disciple. One of the qualities is Deshika, the one who can see the big picture and know how to get from point A to point B. They are the ones who know the ends. So they can provide the training, the path to get there. 

Chapter 4 – Self. Atma, Center, Dhama are all synonyms. We went through a dialogue between the searcher and the Seeker – Who are you? I am the Self. The only way we will ever feel rest is by Being the Self. As long as we are not the Self, we are restless. When we are tired of being tired, the only alternative is to Be the Self. In the Ramayana, Bhagavan Rama shared that He lives in all hearts, but rests in hearts that rest. For those whose mind, whose inner world is quiet, Bhagavan can be felt more strongly there. 

Now we continue into Chapter 5 on Shradha which means Faith. We have studied this in the Ramayana as Shri Rama Gita, happening in Panchavati. 

Chapter 5 – Verse 1:

Atma-jñane pravrtto yah shraddham sandhaarayed-drdham 

Shraddhavan-labhate jñanam naanyathedam sunishcitam

The one who is on the path of Self-knowledge must have firm faith. Indeed, knowledge is attained by one who has faith and certainly not by anyone else. 

Have we ever been successful in a field that we did not have Faith in? Probably not, but there may be an exception. For us to be successful, we have to have Faith in many factors leading to that success. 

Shradha, the etymology of this word is – Shrat dhatte iti shradha. 

Shrat means Existence, Truth. Shrat and Sat are the same. Dhatte – that which provides or facilitates. Faith is that which facilitates or moves one to Existence, to Truth. Shradha or Shrat dhatte also means to hold on. Pujya Swami Tejomayananda has shared in his commentary that the function of Shradha is for surrender. We will not surrender to that in which we have no Faith. Shradha is required for surrender. 

In the Bhagavad Gita, Shri Krshna shares a lovely insight about Faith – Yat shradha eva saha – As one’s Faith, so is one. In other words, we are our Faith. Those who have little Faith are little, and those with Crazy Faith are Big. Again Pujya Swami Tejomayananda has shared in the commentary, Faith is personal and we should not be forced into any Faith or force any Faith. That is why in Sanatana Dharma and all of the Dharmic religions, what do we not find? Conversion as we cannot force Faith. So why fake it or create a system to do that? Similarly, as we interact with people with different Faith, or with less or more Faith, we should not take that personally. 

In Subodha Vedanta, Chapter 2, one of the nine qualities of a disciple is Shradha – the last of the Sampathi (inner wealth). For a Seeker, they have far more importance for inner wealth, like Faith, than outer wealth, like phones. 

Verse 2 and Verse 3 – Together, these two verses provide the framework for Faith. Though this framework is an original composition of Pujya Swami Tejomayananda, he has extracted this from the Ramayana. 

Pramaanabuddhirvedaante brahma-sadbhaava-nishcaye, 

Sadgurorbrahma-nishthatve svaatmanah karma-saamarthye 

Saadhane gurunaa prokte vishvaasah paalanam tatha,

Evam pañca-vidhah shraddha bhavet-saadhaka-muktidaa 

Faith in the authenticity of Vedanta; firm Faith in the existence of Reality (Brahma); Faith that the Guru is well established in that Reality; Faith in one’s own ability of achieving it (Shishya or disciple); Faith in the efficacy of the spiritual practice as advised by the Guru (Sadhana). These fivefold Faith should bestow Liberation to the seeker. 

In the Ramayana, it is Bhagavan Rama who explains to Shri Lakshmana that if he wants to understand life, he needs to have these five Faiths. Bhagavan Rama and Pujya Swami Tejomayananda have started from the top and come down. For the sake of understanding, Vivekji shares in the reverse order, so that we can climb up from Steps 1–5. 

Step 1: Faith in Sadhana (discipline). The one who lives instinctively lacks discipline. We all have Faith in discipline as we live intentionally. If we don’t have Faith in discipline, then we will never follow discipline which will then inhibit us from having the second Faith, which is in Sadhaka or disciple. 

Step 2: Faith in Sadhaka (disciple). Faith in ourselves to follow that discipline to be a disciple. Vivekji shared that perhaps a key indicator of one who is a Seeker or a disciple is that they inquire; they are not extroverts. They are inspired and determined (like ni in the word Upanishad; ni = nishchaya). One is determined that one has Faith in discipline and Faith that one can follow this discipline. In the Bhagavd Gita, Shri Krshna shares that Contemplation is difficult, but two qualities that will help us follow this discipline are Nishchaya and Anirvinna (to not be dejected or in the positive, it can mean inspiration). 

Step 3: Faith in Sadguru (personal Guide to Existence or Truth). What makes a Guide is their ability and more important than their ability is nobility. Who is going to become the best Guru in this multiverse? Artificial intelligence, especially based on intellectual ability as it is bigger than a human brain. That’s why more important than ability is nobility. Artificial Intelligence cannot have nobility. 

Step 4: Faith in Shruti (our Map from dependent joy to Independent Joy). There are 3 types of means to knowing – 

  • Pratyaksha pramana – direct experience or what is right in front of your eyes
  • Anumana pramana – inferring in a logical and rational way
  • Shabda pramana – which is words = Shruti. The means to knowing is the Scripture. The only way to reach Infinity is through the documentation of those who have reached it. Our Rshis and Rshikas have documented their experiences and put that together as the Veda. Bhagavan Krshna is speaking the Bhagavad Gita and He is Divinity, and Prince Arjuna is following. 

Step 5: Faith in Sadhya (ends, God, Infinity). The Sadhaka is to use Sadhana to reach the Sadhya. I am a disciple, and I am to follow discipline to Divinity.

In Kaivalya Upanishad, the Rshi shares – Shradha Bhakti Dhyana yogat avaihi – The way for one to feel Divinity is to be filled with Faith, Devotion and to use Faith and Devotion to contemplate, to feel that as oneself. 

Discussion: How can we increase our Faith in God?

Vivekji shared that the company we keep affects our Faith. If we are around those who lack Faith or have crazy Faith, that will radiate into our personality. So for a seeker, it is a great investment to be around those who are faithful. It is an immeasurable investment. 

Another wonderful insight shared was being grateful, knowing that everything that has happened or is happening to us is for our evolution. This too will increase our Faith in God.

A rigorous definition of Faith means there is no fear.

Raw from last week – Vivekji shared that those who respect time respect themselves. 

RAW: What are 5 signs of one who is faithful?

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