Find the Balance

March 27 2024

Notes by Devank Narayan

Review: Last week, we learnt a story about a greedy mouse that got stuck in a basket and got eaten because it ate too much corn. We also learned that we cannot only prioritize our desires, but we should prioritize our needs. 

Story: A big city driver was at his last stop on shift and honked when the passenger wouldn’t come out of her home. When the driver got a glimpse of her house, he thought that it looked almost as if no one lived there. He helped her get her stuff. She asked him to drive through downtown to go to the address she gave him. He said it wasn’t the fastest route, and she replied that she was in no hurry because she was going through hospice. He was very concerned. They took their time in the car, taking multiple hours. When they arrived, two gentlemen picked her up as if they expected her. He said there was no charge and he hugged her. Then they went their separate ways. He didn’t pick up any other passengers that night. He was thinking about what would happen if that woman had gotten an impatient and rude driver who wouldn’t take their time. He felt as if that were the most important moment in his life, helping that woman.

 Lesson: How would it feel if your teacher always hovered over you and shouted at you while you tried to learn to read? How would that feel compared to someone who is patient and kind? We are happier when we are honest and virtuous. Sometimes we struggle to live up to what is right. But when you are associated with people who are like that, it isn’t as hard. When we say we are bored we forget everything is always trying to teach us.    

Activity: Think about what is your favorite memory, your most favorite memory ever. Now how were you feeling at that time? You would notice that most people wouldn’t say angry. If you were happy all the time, everyone would be happy around you. But if you were mad, everyone wouldn’t be happy all the time when they are around. So if you want to have happy memories only all the time, you should be almost always happy and not roaming around angry all the time.

RAW: Anytime you are feeling overwhelmed, or sad, or mad, or excited, or even angry, take five deep breaths and try to calm yourself down.


Notes By Manav and Viyom Mistry

Raw From Last Week: When you want something ask yourself if it is a need or a want.

Review: A mouse came across a basket of corn and it ate too much. He needed to leave, but he was too full and big to leave through the hole.  did that repeatedly. Then a cat came and ate him while he was asleep. True freedom is to be able to control your senses or cravings. You need moderation in everything. 

Story: A big city taxi driver parked near an old person’s house. When the old person stepped out the door the taxi driver looked into the house, and it looked like no one had been living in there for a long time. Then the old person got into the taxi. Then she went to Hospice, but on the way there she told the taxi driver to drive around the city. She told him to go to where she was a little girl. Then after he dropped her off at the Hospice he didn’t pick up or drop off anybody else that day. He didn’t get any more money that day either. He thought that was the most important moment of his life.

Lesson From The Story: Embrace what is natural. People are stronger and happier when they are honest, kind, and understanding.

Activity: What is your favorite memory and how did you feel? If you want good memories you have to be good and happy everywhere.

Raw: When you are feeling overwhelmed take five deep breaths and see what happens.

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