By: CM Niagara

All offerings to the 2022 Elevate HERstory Fund will support the National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center, a non-profit organization dedicated to restoring the sovereignty of Native nations and safeguarding Native women and their children.
As the National Indian Resource Center (NIRC) Addressing Domestic Violence and Safety for Indian Women, NIWRC supports culturally grounded, grassroots advocacy and provides national leadership to ending gender-based violence for American Indian and Alaska Native (Native) tribes, Native Hawaiians, and Tribal and Native Hawaiian organizations.
This is accomplished through the development of educational materials and programs, direct technical assistance, and the development of local and national policy that builds the capacity of Native communities and strengthens the exercise of tribal sovereignty.
We’re grateful for your contributions to this vision!
How to Donate
Please note that this campaign has been closed for the year. For on-going donation opportunities, please go to the Donate page.