Dialogue with Vivekji

March 22, 2021

Notes by Sanna Luthra & Sidh Sridhar

We had Vivekji as our guru this class, and we started the lesson with a practice.


  • Focused on flame of candle
  • No distractions, eyes just staring at candlelight
  • When feel focused and like we are “in” the small flame, close our eyes
  • Imaging “being” in the candle when closing eyes
  • If distracted, open eyes again, and focus on only that one single candlelight
  • Purpose: Just to focus (like meditation) and not get distracted by anything else, a practice to do with your mindset.


Q. When I make a plan for the day, I sometimes don’t always follow through with it though. How can I accomplish everything on my daily plan?

A. 1. Sleep and wake up early.

2. Use a paper planner. Writing your plan on paper will make you remember, visualize and intentionally participate in those plans. Then, following through with it later on will naturally happen, and become a natural habit. 

Q. What is the difference between regret and reflection?

A. Regret and reflection are almost like opposites (totally different feelings and practices). Regret is when the mindset goes into the past and focuses on a weakness. Reflection is when the mind is guided by the intellect to think about a thought in more depth, seriousness, more wisdom-like, and it is more of a personal thought and reflection. 

Q. How do you build a relationship if they are not reciprocating (responding)?

A. 1) Relationships are unilateral (one-way). 

2) Keep on trying and giving (don’t expect the other person to give as well, just be yourself and never give up). 

3) Analyze if that relationship helps you become a better person. If not, then maybe find another person to chat with.  

Q. I fidget how should I stop it?

A. When you go to the bathroom don’t think of anything but what you do in the bathroom. Once you learn to focus on one thing, you will be able to apply it to other things in life as well. Use a japa mala.

Q. If you are trying to become more disciplined, but you want to buy a video game for yourself, is it okay to get that gift for yourself as long as you maintain that discipline?

A. 1) Try to become more happy with less materialistic things. 

2) If you can maintain that discipline, then it is okay if you can buy yourself that gift.

Q. When I lay down on my bed at night, I end up staring at the ceiling for quite some time thinking about the world’s problems. How can I avoid that from happening?

A. 1) Let go, move on with life, think about the big picture. 

2) Stop looking at screens at least one hour before closing your eyes.

3) Don’t look at the news with your eyes, and instead, try to listen to the news. 

Q. How can I “fit in” and be included in groups, and not excluded?

A. When someone is insecure, they exclude others. Someone who is secure, they include others. Keep that in mind, and don’t take it personally/seriously. Secondly, learn and enjoy your own company and self. 

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