Dialogue with Dharma: Yaksha Prashna

By Udit Thawani

From July 7th to July 9th, CHYKs and CSKs from across North America joined CHYK DC in their annual retreat. Led by Vivekji from Niagara Falls, and under the blessings of Swami Dheeranandaji, retreaters explored the Yaksha Prashna together. The Yaksha Prashna, of the Vana Parva of Srimad Mahabharata, explores a dialogue between Raja Yudhisthira and a mysterious Yaksha where Raja Yudhisthira’s judgment and ability to discriminate right and wrong are demonstrated. In exploring this conversation, retreaters had fruitful dialogue/discourses with Vivekji and discussions with other attendees, and also took time to reflect independently on the densely packed lessons within the text.

Alongside exploring Yaksha Prashna, attendees had the opportunity to commune with others, participate in activities such as athletics and glow-in-the-dark garba, and engage in interspersed independent reflection time where reading, writing, and reflecting were encouraged. On the evening of the 8th, retreaters took part in an activity called “Fireside Chats,” an evening small group discussion activity. In preparation for this activity, all were encouraged to review several provided prompts that required reflection on topics many would consider touchy or personal. Because everyone had a chance to commune with the other participants, people were able to be open and honest and share reflections that were relatable and helpful for those in their groups to hear.

Those in attendance were ever grateful to the guru-shishya-parampara for the knowledge shared within Yaksha Prashna, which served as the catalyst for all of the positivity that was generated over the weekend that will surely be carried on moving forward.

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