
August 5, 2020

Notes by Shakthi Ananthanarayanan

Review of last class

How do we overcome the feeling of insecurity?

Insecurity is a feeling when we are unsure of ourselves, uncomfortable with our own skin. To overcome the feeling of insecurity we have to practice the virtue called VISION

VISION — means its our ability to see our own potential. To see how we could be — see how amazing you can become.

Determination — Virtue for this week

What do we do when we are feeling failed at something — negative feeling to overcome this week is FAILURE

Feeling or running away from something — we need to follow the virtue is DETERMINATION

DETERMINATION — is never giving up — A train that never gives up a story as an example

Always taking the next step- willing to move forward — no matter what happens.

How to practice determination?

1. Before engaging in any activity — say “THANK YOU” for every opportunity you have — a chance for us to be better. — Think about the present and not about the past and future.

2. Close our eyes- imagine what do we want to accomplish in whatever we are doing? Imagine ourselves doing it.

3. Finish what you start.

When we know to quit something? Only when we know we have succeeded in something in a small way

Read the story Dr.Seuss — Oh the places you go!

Practice for this week — Build a nice bird house for your house.


Notes by Megha Munipalla

3 steps for determination:

1. Before you do anything (sports, homework, practicing an instrument ext.) say thank you for this opportunity to get better/ be in the present and remember the saying from kung-fu panda…yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift thats why we call it the present

2. visualize yourself doing what you are going to do and see yourself succeeding

3. Always finish what you start

Practice: pick a spot right in front of you and point to it, keep your hand out, and turn your upper body around in a circle with your hand out and when you have turned as far as you can turn so that you are facing the spot you chose at the beginning, how far did you turn? Take a break for a couple seconds. Imagine yourself turning 3 times! Then try turning again. Did you turn farther than before?

R.A.W: make a bird house and if you don’t have the matierials find a way to get them to practace determination.

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