DDV: Verse 15

A ‘searcher’ is one who is looking for happiness outside of oneself — the world is real. A ‘seeker’ looks for happiness inside of oneself — the world is unreal. For a ‘seer’ (Drk), one who is happiness — the world is real. All this is facilitated by insight. We never invoke insights without the presence of a Sathguru and Shastra, and we are fortunate to have access to Acharya Shankara and Drg Drshya Viveka.


In shlokas 1 through 5 , Acharya Shankara’s focus is on truth.

In shlokas 6 through 12, focus is on lie (ego, ahankara).

In shloka 13, the focus is on ‘why’ — if there is truth then why and how can there be a lie. The absolute answer is that there is no lie. The variable of ‘Maya’ is inserted in this verse.

In shloka 14, Acharya Shankara shares that Maya is inexplicable. If it is inexplicable then it is not real. If it cannot be explained it cannot be real but we are still feeling it. This feeling is called Vikshepa or projection. We project names onto forms, and start to judge. This then deepens to labels. Labeling deepens to dislikes.

Next, the focus shifts from Vikshepa to Avarana.

Verse 15:

We only know what we feel — In sacred science only when we feel it, we know it.

In our inner (antaH) world there is difference between the seer and the seen, but we don’t know this difference. Another word for ‘Avarana’ is Tamas and ‘Vikshepa’ is Rajas. Tamas makes us feel lazy. Laziness is felt more deeply as being careless.The most deep sense of Tamas is forgetting who we are and our nature (which is joy). Tamas makes us forget that the seer and seen are different. If seer and seen are different, then the limits that apply to the seen don’t apply to the seer. So we should treat thoughts as transactional and relative. When we practice this, the distinction becomes more apparent.

In the outer (bahiH) world, Tamas makes us feel that consciousness and creation are the same, while they have the exact opposite nature and principles. Consciousness is unchanging. Only that which is more powerful can make that which is less powerful to change — and nothing is more powerful than consciousness. Everything causes creation to change. Tamas or Avarana makes us forget that. Those who are materialistic are attaching themselves to that which is perpetually changing, which is an overt sign of ignorance. We should be less materialistic, and we should train ourselves to let materials come and go. This evolves to circumstances and articles, then the difference between consciousness and creation becomes bigger and more real.

Varna means color or description. Avarana means that which i cannot see or describe, that is — no clarity. If there is no clarity then there will be no conviction, and where there is no conviction there will be no confidence.

If we are happy for every moment , then it is the same as being happy forever. That is, our ‘relative’ liberation keeps on building to become a ‘absolute’ liberation. Relative clarity of thought leads to absolute clarity of thought. When we unitask, then there is clarity in what we are doing, so unitask!

All of the Tamas and Rajas is collectively known as Samsara. Synonyms for Samsara are:

  • Jagat ( ‘Jayate’ — that which is born, ‘Gacchati’ — that which is going and as if ‘tisthathi’ — that which is standing/staying ) Jagat means multiverse.
  • Sharira — means body and that which is forever burning.

The cause for all of the change, is because we have forgotten who we are and what our nature is. For example, when we see a pen — ‘ i know pen’. In every thought we have, ‘i’ is existence ‘know’ is awareness and we focus on whatever comes after such as pen or paper, instead of nature, spirit, Brahman. This is Moha. Moha is when we take one subject and superimpose it on another subject , because in every thought there is the presence of ‘Sat’ and ‘Chit’ but we mix it up with that which is changing. Moha causes Bhaya (fear). Bhaya causes Shoka (sorrow).

We must live in a more Saathvik way to dismantle the power of Tamas and Rajas. We should start with our lifestyle and let it deepen to our vision. Start with the outer world and slowly and steadily that will become our inner world !

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