Dama – Enduring Discomfort

February 2, 2022

Notes by Om Shreejay


We reviewed the virtues we have learned so far – 

1. Viveka: Prioritization – We know and do what is important. How: Plan your day.

2. Vairagya: Cheerful acceptance 

– Understand that you can’t control everything, 

– See the positive

– Learn and grow. 

3. Shama: Quietude of mind – We have control over our own thoughts.

– Avoid distractions e.g., devices 

– Keep our spaces clean

– Engage in service – shift thoughts from “me” to “we” (others)

Virtue of the week: Dama (Calmness of mind)

Dama: Calmness of mind/ Discipline

– Overcome your likes/ dislikes

– Do the things you may not want to do

– Don’t do the things you like to do – that stimulates your senses, or that you indulge in and do too much of.

How do develop more discipline?

Willpower is a like muscle to exercise. We can strengthen willpower by reducing physical comfort e.g., having a cold-water bath once in a while, or eating food without salt as Shankar ji shared! Try to reduce the amount of comfort that we give our body.

If we give our body too much pleasure for a long time a chemical called dopamine is released by our brain that makes us feel good. When the dopamine level stays high, the brain gets tricked into believing it should stay that way and so when we need to do something that does not make us feel good, the brain finds this hard to do. For example, if you only use hot water for bath, it is hard to switch to cold water as the body is conditioned to the sensation of hot water.

To strengthen willpower, practice doing a few things every day that you don’t like to do or reduce the amount of physical comfort that the body seeks or is used to. 

For those you like to read (which is good), try reading something different from what you normally read. Try new things that you generally avoid or that you find challenging to do.

RAW (Reflection Adventure of the Week)

Sleep on the floor at least once this week so you take a break from the dopamine high of the softness of your bed!

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