January 19, 2022
Notes by Aarya Mishra
Shankarji talked about our last virtue, Shama which means quietude of mind. To have quietude of mind, you have to have control over your thoughts.
The new virtue we are learning about is Dama which means Discipline. Dama/Discipline means to have control over your body. As an example, if you are doing your homework, and you feel like playing a video game, then you will finish your homework before you go to play.
Shankarji showed us an episode of Adventure Time to show us an example. Finn and Jake found somebody else to do all the work for them. They were businessmen who loved to work. Finn and Jake grew fat and lazy. They realize that they have to do their own responsibilities
Everyone should take care of their own responsibilities!
Every day of this week, exercise for at least 30 minutes. You can do this at school. After your workout, reflect on how you feel afterward.