
Summary of last session (October 29) by Shri Mohan Khandekar

Shri Vijay ji continued with discussion of the Sati Moh Prasang (सती मोह प्रसंग),  He re-visited the past discussion  where he eluded to the process of generation of a thought and its expression according to our V (Vasana).  This consists of four components, Para, Pashyati, Madhyama and Vaikhri (परा,पश्यति, मध्यमा,वैखरी).

61:1 Shiv ji is unhappy for not receiving an invitation from Sati’s father. 

61:2 This Choupahi  talks about the animosity between Shiv ji and Daksha. The words Sheel-Sneh, Man-Maryada (शील-स्नेह, मान-मर्यादा) are important when following Dharma which are also expressed in Bhakti and Upasana. (Vedanta is all about knowledge)

61:3 Here Tulsidas ji refers to a directive from Manusmrutu/ Bhagvatam, “No invitation is required to visit a friend, Swami, Father and Guru.  However this rule does not apply to those who are against you.”

61:4 Shiv ji tried to explain Sati about the Glories of Shri Ram in many different ways (eg. Ishtadevata. Sacchidanand) but Sati failed to understand. 

Doha 62:Sati doesn’t agree with Shiv ji and wants to go. Here the word Dacchakumari can be interpreted in two ways. 1. Shiv ji thought Sati is not listening 2. He sent her.

62:1 Upon reaching father’s home, Daksh does not pay any attention to her.  A mother welcomes her with respect and her sisters greet her with a smile. Smile here is taken to be sarcasm (“Here she comes to get insulted”).  Therefore two emotions are expressed here, Love and Sneer.

62:2 Sati realizes her mistake of coming to the Yagya when she knows that Shiv ji does not have any seat amongst the invitees.  Now she understands as to why He did not want to come. 

62:3 Sati is now doubly saddened.  One for leaving Shiv ji and other for He being insulted.  She recognises that her father is unrighteous (अधर्मी). 

62:4 The anger arising from an insult by your near and dear is 


Next week Shri Vijay ji will explore more about Adhikari (A fit student)

Jai Shree Ram

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