Devi Culture Weekly Sessions

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Course Duration: 

Course Duration: 32 weeks (September 2024 – May 2025)

Course Description:

Self Unfoldment by Swami Chinmayananda unfolds in simple, easy-to-read form, the fundamentals of Vedanta, the time-tested teaching from the spiritual tradition of India. Through the lens of Vedanta, Swami Chinmayananda shows us how to tap the immense potential power of our inner resources and thereby transform our lives.

Shashikalaji will guide the Devis through this text to understand and realize our true Self with a focus on applying this knowledge to our daily life for our growth and transformation.

Seeker profile:
Anyone who identifies as a Devi is welcome!

Weekly Engagement:

  1. Class takes place on Zoom every Friday from 12:00 – 1:00 p ET (holidays will be announced in class in advance).
  2. We highly recommend a minimum of 1 hours of self-study/reflection per week in addition to the above attendance requirement.
  3. Commitment to regular weekly attendance, active listening and reflection is encouraged.
  4. Participation in group discussion during class and in our online chat forum is highly recommended for a deeper understanding of the text.

Learning Objectives:
(key outcomes that you can achieve by the end of the course)

This course encourages a holistic approach to personal growth, encompassing intellectual understanding, ethical behavior, and spiritual practice

  • Living a Dharmic Life: Understanding and applying the principles of Dharma (righteous living) in daily life, making ethical and moral choices that align with your spiritual path.
  • Developing Faith and Devotion: Cultivating faith in a higher power and devotion to spiritual practices, which support your journey toward self-realization.
  • Applying Knowledge: Using the knowledge gained from the teachings to transform your life, fostering a balanced, joyful, and purposeful existence.

Each student is required to acquire a hard copy of the Self Unfoldment text by Swami Chinmayananda prior to class commencement.

More from Devi Culture:

Devi Culture Monthly Sessions

Divya Shakti Retreats
We began our Divya Shakti movement in 2013. This movement has led us through Washington DC, Chicago, Raleigh, Washington DC, Atlanta, Orlando, and London. Every year, thoughtful women from all over North America gather with Vilasiniji and Vivekji to understand roles and responsibilities to invoke Devi in a most meaningful and transformative way.

🌟 Immerse yourself in an exhilarating and reflective retreat under the guidance of Vilasiniji and Vivekji. We will inquire into the self and the world, exploring how the substratum of both is one and the same. Spots are limited, register today!

📅 Date: Oct 17-20
📍 Registration:  Click here to register


Course Resources

Topic 1

  • Sample Lesson